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///this is back in Sayuri POV, every chapter will be in her POV unless otherwise specified///

I shiver, pulling my knees closer to my chest as the cold seems to grow closer in the darkness. My whole body burns with the iciness that seeps in through my thin clothing 

I wish I had something warm, I wish I had the jacket Kiba gave me, it would be so comforting right now. It smelled so good and it was so warm

I shiver again and a sob breaks out from my throat, warm tears run down my face that smell...I smelled it before I came here, what happened?

Looking down at my body I examine the bloody mess that had become of my stomach. My shirt was ripped in a slit right above my left ribs and there was a scar of a puncture wound with dried blood crusted around it 

that's weird, how come I can't feel it?

What do I remember?

I remember a new surge of strength.

I remember screaming.

I remember feeling cold. 

I remember feeling alone.

I gasp, pulling my arms closer around me and wiping the tears off my face 

I also remember someone holding me, 

Someone telling me it was going to be ok,

Someone begging me not to leave...

not leave? am I dead? I...I don't want to be dead but is this what death feels like? It's nothing what I imagined. 

I raise my teary face and look up, feeling a warmth go over this vast emptiness. 

what was that?

I felt it again and I stand up, not feeling freezing anymore. I can almost see a green line moving above me in the darkness, the warmth emitting from the line. 

it feels familiar, what is it? is it...chakra?

I slowly stretch out my arm, lifting my hand towards the chakra up there. I breathe in slowly as I try to call out some of my own chakra to meet it. 

A thin light orange line curls out of my palm and starts slowly traveling upwards towards the green chakra, it seems to go up for infinity, until I feel it touch lightly against the green. 

The green seems to get stronger and it feels warmer. 

I smile 

I wonder what that was, it was green chakra, like when you are healing, it felt like it too.

My smile drops

Why would healing chakra be up there?

I drop to my knees again and grab my head, 

Maybe I'm not dead yet? maybe I'm inside my body because the chakra now holds my consciousness but I've left my body but not really?

Looking up again I observe the green line, it still seemed to be stronger then last time 

So...maybe that's Sakura or another medic nin up there trying to heal my body. I remember Sakura crawl over as Kiba held me, maybe she is still up there. I wonder who else is up there...

I try to gather my consciousness ok... I breathe Ino might be up there, she's a sensory type, maybe I can reach out to her and I don't know, just tell her I'm still here. 

I feel my new chakra mix in with my old chakra 

(Im typing the words to look weird so you can see that shes not projecting them at the right volume and different frequencies for Ino)

INO, Ino? You There? I question 


InO IF you ArE There Im OK iM StiLL HerE

INo? INO please answer Me

I slump back down onto the ground, maybe she's not up there, or maybe I'm just really bad at this whole mind talking thing 

Sayuri? Ino's voive enters my head Is that you? Are you ok? Answer me please, please say that was actually you and that I'm not hearing things 

I jump up INo! IM HerE I'm ok 

Ok Sayuri,  she replies I can't understand you very well because you are projecting your mind voice at different volumes, probably cause you are using two types of chakra but I heard you say for sure that you are ok, you will probably run out of the chakra for this very soon because your chakra isn't trained for this, now that we know you are ok I will let the medics know that what they are doing is working and please save the last of your chakra for an important message in case something goes wrong ok? It's gonna be ok, stay strong. We are all here waiting for you, we love you. 

She then cuts off and I sit back down, leaning back onto my side as I ease myself onto the warm ground. She said they are all there waiting for me, she says it's going to be ok, I'm going to be ok...should I sleep? I'm tired, but what if thats my body trying to die? I jolt back up, I should walk around in this dark, large cave thing or my body, instead. I'm not dying on my watch

I fold my arms over my chest and begin slowly walking, in no rush to get anywhere but just wanting to distract myself. 

I miss everyone, especially Grandpa...

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