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I struggle to keep my lids from sealing together, fighting off sleep when you are so exhausted in difficult. 

I run my fingers through my greasy hair I need a shower, this is gross. Guess I'll put it in a tight braid...

Twisting my hair into tight twists I start to walk around again, the dried tears on my face were met with a slightly warm breeze as the green healing chakra passed over us again. They have been doing that for hours, I wonder how much longer I'll be stuck here...I hope not too long, I can't imagine what everyone in going through right now..

I continue to walk, wrapping my arms around my stomach as I continue 

After several hours of this I feel a tug, I fall back onto the ground and gasp. Somehow I can feel life returning to my body around me. A warm orange and blue glow begins to surround me, I lay there for who knows how long before an intense pain convulsed my body. 

I scream for a few seconds before sitting up, but when I open my eyes, its not the darkness or the glow of my chakra, its a whole different thing. 

A bright light shines above me and I am surrounded by multiple faces, I gasp and blink as I try to take in my surroundings. 

"Shhh Sayuri" a women's calming voice speaks up from next to me, her hand going to my shoulder to calm me "it's ok, you're ok, you're back, its ok"

I'm back? then that means...

My eyes have adjusted to the lighting and I can clearly see the bed I'm on, and the door just a few steps away that must be where Ino said everyone was 

I grip the hand on my shoulder as I swing my legs off the bed "be careful" the women warns, giving me her other hand as well 

I take a few shaky steps towards the door, leaning on her support as my legs don't seem to be fully awake. 

She nods to the medic standing next to the door and he pushes the button the opens it, as it slides open I see familiar faces stand up and smile and begin to rush towards me 

A familiar head of blond tackles me and we slowly fall to the floor, softly laughing and crying 

"Sayuri I-" Ino cries, hugging me tighter 

"me too" I sob, hugging her back and looking up at the other people 

Norio and Ronin stand next to each other, right above me, I take Norio's hand and pat Ino's back as I pull myself up throwing my arms around them and squeezing tightly "I missed you guys" I murmured, Ronin kisses the top of my head "we missed you too Sayuri"

Sakura lays asleep across the benches and I make a mental note to thank her later, I turn to Asuma "Asuma" I cry "I'm so sorry I wasn't-"

He shushes me "Its not your fault Sayuri, its ok, I'm just glad you are back" 

Kurenai rubs my shoulder and I smile as I pull from Asuma only one left...

Kiba stands in the middle of the hallway, hands by his sides and his expression unreadable. Before I took a step forward I found myself wrapped in his warm embrace "I'm so sorry" he murmers quietly against my head "I could've protected you but I wasn't there"

I shush him "It's not your fault Kiba" I mimic Asuma's words "you were there for me" I look up at his face, our eyes meeting 

"I-" he starts but Asuma interrupts him "Sayuri you probably want to shower and get something to eat don't you?"

I blush, pulling away from Kiba before turning to nod at Asuma "yeah" I clear my throat "yeah that would be great

He and Kurenai begin to walk towards the entrance and I can slightly hear Kurenai scolding Asuma about something. 

Ino wraps her arms around my shoulders again, my hand still hooding Kiba's "you wanna go get BBQ?" she asks, smiling 

my stomach growls at the offer and I laugh at the action "sorry" I smile "but yeah that would be so great. I'll meet you guys there in 30 minutes?"

Norio laughs, wiping a tear from his cheek "make that an hour cause she might take a nap and sleep in"

we all laugh at that "I promise I won't be late this time, I barely feel tired at all"

"I'll wake Sakura up in about half an hour, She's exhausted" Ino explains 

I smile at Sakura "she's amazing" I say, Ino let's go of me and sits down next to Sakura's head, Norio sitting beside her. 

light steps come around the turn and I am suddenly face-to-face with a startled Shikamaru

"man," he says "I'm gone for 5 minutes and you decide to wake up" his eyes leave my face and trail down to where my hand is linked with Kiba's, I don't want to let go cause its so comfortable so I don't move, I change the topic 

"Shikamaru" I smile "we are going to go to the BQQ, I'm famished, you should come with"

He nods, a small smile on his face "I should go grab Choji" he laughs slightly "he'll riot if he finds out we ate there without him"

I laugh and start walking to the door, waving a goodbye at them before realizing I'm walking with Kiba 

"oh um" I hadn't meant to drag him along too, what if he doesn't want to walk with me?

"I'll walk you home" he says, smiling as he pulls me through the doorway 

I blush as I follow "thank you Kiba" I murmur softly 

He nods, pulling me closer as he intertwines our fingers, my shoulder against his arm as we walk through the busy streets of the village. 


first update in awhile but please keep those votes and comments coming! 

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