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When I woke it was dark, my head was laying on something warm 

turning my head up I see Kibas asleep face leaning against a tree, my head was against his chest and his arm was wrapped around me, holding my body up comfortably. 

I move to sit and examine our surroundings, it was night and we were tucked away under a large tree root 

this forest has some big ass trees cause we keep sleeping under these roots

Kiba must have felt me move because he stirs before opening his eyes 

he groans "aww man I fell asleep, I didn't mean too" he smacks his face 

I giggle at the comical look on his face, it was dangerous that we slept without a watch but we were both exhausted 

"what're you laughing at" he says, rolling his eyes and smiling 

"your face" I answer 

he laughs "that's not very nice" 

"well I'm not a very nice person" 

"not true"

I reach for on the other side of Kiba and hiss in pain and recoil back to my half laying position 

"whats wrong?" he asks, eyes suddenly full of worry 

I gesture to my back "I think its bruised, and pretty badly too" I lean back onto him slightly "laying like this I don't feel it much though, is it ok if I stay like this awhile" I tilt my face up, towards him 

he coughs "uh yeah, yeah whatever makes you comfortable" he clears his throat "is there anything you need? some food?" he opens my bag, digging for a second before stopping "you don't have the scrolls do you?" he looked at me questionably 

I shake my head "no, we moved them after a sand team targeted me for our first scroll, we just thought it would be safer not to have them on the same person twice" I gulp "I'm sorry for putting you through that fight with that man, I just didn't want him going after Norio or Ronin, especially since he said his other teammates were already after them"

he nods "I understand" he says softly "I would've done the same" he passes me some food "you really care about Norio and Ronin huh?" 

taking the food I nod "yeah, they are like brothers to me, I want to protect them" I sigh "Mikino says its unique, our bond, we sorta act like siblings not like teammates" I roll the food pill in  my hand "she says it could be dangerous, that the dedication and attachment to a teammate is different then the love and protection like a sibling" I swallow the pill before continuing "after one of our missions she almost went to the Hokage to request that we be moved to different teams"

"what happened on the mission?" Kiba asked "I think I remember when you guys came back, your team had a fight at the gate"

"yeah" I nod "we were supposed to provide an escort to an elderly woman moving to a new village with her family but she was wealthy and we got ambushed, their were a lot of them and they took off with Ronin, back to their hideout" I shiver slightly and wrap the coat tighter around me "Mikino gave us orders to continue the mission and get the woman to town but as we made camp for the night, Norio and I snuck off to go rescue Ronin. When we finally found their hideout he was pretty beat up, it took awhile to get rid of everyone but finally we rescued him. Mikino completed the mission herself then came to look for us." I look up at the branches swaying softly "she was pretty angry at us abandoning the mission, she said we should have finished the mission first and then rescued Ronin which of course Ronin got upset cause we risked a lot to save him and that's why the fight at the gate was pretty explosive, we were all yelling at each other, I cried a lot though" I laugh thinking back on the day "we ate ramen together that night so everything turned out ok"

Kiba smiles "Sounds like you have yourself two protective older brothers"

I roll my eyes "tell me about it" 

"what do you mean?" he asks 

I gulp, I don't want to tell him about how much they have been questioning him and I during these exams.

Before I could fabricate an excuse I feel him tense up behind me 

"shh" he tells me "do you hear that"

shaking my head we sit in silence for a few seconds, my body pressed against his as I strain my ears for any sound, his arm wrapped around me as he drew in quiet breathes

the noise came again and this time I could identify it was someone talking, loudly 

I look up at Kiba and nod, confirming I heard it 

as the voice grows closer Kiba presses his head to the ground, "it's a team, there's three sets of footsteps"

"could it be?" I ask immediately thinking of Team 7 

he laughs softly and runs a hand through his hair "with how loud that voice is I wouldn't be surprised"

the team draws closer and I lean over Kiba to see around the tree, soft pink hair and a bright orange and black jumpsuit confirm my suspicion 

"its them" I say turning back to Kiba only to almost jump back with how close my face was to his 

he smirks before leaning closer "its Team 7?" 

I could feel his breathe on my nose, why is his smirk so attractive though?

I nod before trying to stand up, almost doubling back over before Kiba catches me 

"my back is still really sore" I inform him 

He nods and helps hold me up as he grabs my bag and we scoot to the edge of the tree 

"hold on" he says, pushing me back gently "I'll go see if its really them and you stay here, that way if it isn't and they attack me you can get out of here"

I roll my eyes  "if you get attacked the last thing I'm gonna do is run away"

He looks at me with with pleading eyes "Sayuri please"

I nod definantly not

I lean against the tree as he creeps forward, a kunai in his hand behind his back 

Team 7 stops "who's there" Sasuke's voice calls out 

"Its me " Kiba said, stepping out of the shadows "now the question is, are you guys really Team 7?" 

"Kiba, whats gotten into you, of course we are?" Naruto says 

Sakura shakes her head "no you idiot, he is asking for proof that we are the actual Team 7, and not just some ninja pretending to be us" she put a finger on her chin "how about you ask us some questions and we answer them?" 

"that'll work" Kiba puts his hands on his hips "Naruto, what did you eat for dinner last night?"

"oh my gosh" Sakura starts "Really Kiba? you go with Ichirakus Ramen? you think that's the best way to make sure we aren't enemy ninja? based on Narutos diet?"

He laughs "this is definently Sakura" 


Authors Note this has been edited 

I hope yall liked this chapter theres some Kiba fluff and protective Kiba in there!! please comment and vote!!!

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