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the sunlight falls behind the trees as we arrive at the river, Ronin was right, there was plenty of tree coverage, it almost seemed that the trees seemed to cover the river

I wonder if there is enough tree coverage for a fire?' 

"we shouldn't risk a fire, enough through we have a thick tree coverage" Ronin starts, answering my question "those sand ninja might try to come after us, and we have to be wary of other teams as well, lets find a place to settle down and eat and then we will start a guard, 4 hour shifts till morning and then we will pick up where we left off"

Norio and I nod, I'm thankful for Ronin's leadership he can be kind of cocky sometimes but he is good at figuring out a way for us to do things, plus I can be a little indecisive or forgetful 

we set up camp under a large tree which was leaning on some boulders, we drink some water and pass around the food pellets 

"I'm gonna get so fat" I say throwing 3 into my mouth "the fat content in these is so high"

Norio laughs "your metabolism is so high you probably wont be fat till you decide you have a baby, then you'll go back to being skinny after that" 

I roll my eyes "I dunno if it works like that, my mom was chubby between me and my brother, besides I won't be having a baby for a long, long, long time" I take another chug of water 

"seriously!!" Norio pretend surprise gasps "our kids are all supposed to grow up together and get put on the same team and be best friends"

"oh my goodness you sound like Ino" I smack his arm "she already has a name picked out for her kid, didn't tell me what though just that it had Ino in it"

"of course it does"

Ronin smiles, standing up and dusting the dirt off his pants, he says "I'll take the first watch, you guys rest up"

"ok wake me up next" Norio says before laying down next to the tree

"Thanks Ronin, wake us up if you need anything" I lean against the tree and snuggle into the coat again, it still had Kibas scent and that somehow made me feel relaxed and safe 


I am roughly shaken awake by Norio 

"oh is it my turn?" I ask rubbing my eyes 

he hushes me "wait"

Ronin is crouched next to the tree looking around it, kunai in hand 

suddenly alert, I draw a handful of shuriken and creep up beside him his arm reaches out and pushes me back

"we should fall back, its a team from the sand and some other team, they are fighting and based on the jutsu they are using its about to get ugly" he informs us creeping back slowly 

I inch forward longing for a better view as to what other team it was 

It was hard to recognize faces in the dark but I would recognize Akamaru anywhere, someone lies limp across his back and the other two figures stand in front of him protectively 

Ronin grabs my arm, pulling me back "lets go" he says 

I pull back "That's team 8, one of them is hurt, we should help them"

"its not wise to get involved in another teams fight, we should retreat, that sand team could wipe us out" he shakes his head "its too risky" 

Norio looks pained I know he wants to help them but there is truth to Ronins words they do need to do this 

"Please they could kill them, lets just step in maybe we can work together to take that team down" I beg 

I grab Ronin eye contact and hold it intentsly his emerald eyes staring down my blue ones 

A piercing scream interuptes our staring contest its Hinata' my blood runs cold she sounded like she was in so much pain what did they do to her?

"Fine" Ronin says "I don't like it but leave the scrolls hidden here" he rolls his eyes "lets get this over with"

I nod to him and begin to run towards the sand ninja,  Ronin right behind me and Norio in front of me 

"HEY" he shouts drawing the attention of the Sand Ninja 

He throws several paper bomb kunai at them and Ronin launches a fireball 

I come to a stop in front of Akamaru who stands protectively over Hinata who is lying on the ground 

with my good arm I launch several shuriken and then throw up a shield for oncoming attacks, just in time too, seconds later we are hit with some kind of mud blast, after the shuriken are gone I place my hand over Hinata's head and begin healing her, sending chakra over her body and repairing her damaged cells  

I feel my chakra begin to drain quickly as I push back against the attack, after it falls back I drop the shield to take a breath

My arms shake and my vision is hazy but still when someone shouts my name I throw up another shield this time squeezing my eyes shut these shields are a lot bigger then what I have practiced with but I am protecting a lot more people then usual , I really have to start practicing with bigger shields and getting my freaking chakra under control 

I drop it down quickly and hear Ronin, Norio, and Shino call out their various attacks, I suck in a long breathe but then almost throw up, my stomach churns and I know I'm really pushing my chakra 

doesn't matter, I care about these people and I need to protect them'

I bring up the shield again and crumble to my knees, I put all my focus on grabbing all of my chakra and pushing it into the shield 

those sand Ninja have some really powerful attacks, I can feel the Chakra from their attacks slamming against the shield they are deadly I have to keep this shield up'

the wet mud of the riverbank soaks through the knees of my pants, the wind blows softly, tickling my neck with my ponytail

Someones feet run up to me and I feel a hand in my paper bomb kunai pouch 

"take the shield down" a voice maybe Norio commands 

Oh thank goodness I drop the shield and fall onto my side 

"Fireball Justu" the sound of kunai being thrown, I manage to throw up one final shield, just around Hinata, and Kiba and Akamaru, but it doesn't last long, that explosion hammers against it till they both die down 

Norio and Ronin I think you guys really like blowing things up

I slowly open one eye to see Shino rush over to his teammates and Ronin and Norio run up to me, I feel Hinata's consciousness restore as I draw my hand away

I need to build up my chakra supply, and I should start using weapons more, this is kinda embarrasing

my eyes close and the last thing I hear is "well look on the bright side, she isn't bleeding out this time" 


Authors note 

this chapter has been edited 

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