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"WHAT DO YOU MEAN HE'S MISSING?" I shout, slamming my hands on the desk of the Hokage and breathing hard 

"Your uncle was on an solo intel mission in the moutains" Tsunade calmly explains, but I can tell she's getting annoyed with my yelling "he failed to send his check in signals a few days ago and his squad hasnt been able to find him"

I take a deep breath and lean against my arms on the dek 

"His village wants us to send one of our teams to help track him down-"

"Im going" I exclaim, head shooting up, her eyes pierce mine as I meet them 

after a moment she shakes her head "I would not expect less, given our shortage of Shinobi you may take one or two others with you, this is on the DL so be quick with meeting the Forest village squad" she slides a folded piece of paper across the desk "here are the coodinates you are to meet them at, I want you gone before late noon"

I nod as I grasp the piece of paper "Thank you Lady Tsunade" I bow and quickly make for the exit 

Maybe Kiba will help? He's a great tracker...who else? I ponder for a second, I think everyone else is gone on various missions so it will probably just be me and him. 

I make my way to the Inuzuka household but am stopped in the road by a large white dog. 

"Akamaru!" I exclaim, laughing as he licked my face "It's been a long time buddy" my hands ruffle the fur behind his ears "Where's Kiba?"

"right here" Kiba's voice laughs from behind me.

I smile as I lift myself up and turn around, his voice letting me forget my worries for a few seconds. I quickly shake my head "I need your help" I ask urgently 

Immediately his face hardens "what do you need? whats wrong?" He lays a hand on my shoulder and looks into my face 

I breathe in deeply before explaining the situation to him 

"so its just gonna be you and me?" He smirks as I finish 


"Im kidding, I'm kidding" He laughs before turning serious again "dont worry, I'll be packed in 20, is that good for you?" 

I nod, "I'll meet you at my house then" 

My knees rest in front of my mothers headstone "Hey mom" I murmer softly "I'm sorry that it's been so long, a lot as happened" I sigh, fumbling with the hem of my socks by my knees "Something has happened to Uncle Akida, Im gonna go help him. And if it doesnt go well just- just know that I love you guys, a lot" with that I press a soft kiss to her headstone and depart. 

At home I quickly throw a few essentials into a backpack and slip on Kiba's black jacket over my blue and black dress (again imagine her dressed exactly like kushina except a really pale blue instead of tan) I flip my hair into a bun and slide on my headband runniong down the stairs I write a quick note to Asuma and leave it on the counter before slipping  my boot sandals on and yanking open the door as Kiba's hand stuck it, his fist almost knocking agaisnt my nose 

"Sorry" he says, smiling, pulling back his hand "ya know? I really like that dress on you, it brings out your eyes"

I blush "thank you Kiba"

"And of course you look adorable as always in my jacket"

I laugh and pull my bag over my shoulder, pushing aside my long bangs to read the paper with the directions, sighing as I take it in 

"They want us to meet them at the Forest village boulder checkpoint" I sigh 

Kiba looks over my shoulder at the map, "thats roughly 30 miles, we could probably do 10 before dark tonight and finish the remainder before noon tomorrow?" he suggests

I nod, tucking the map into the jacket pocket and look up at him, kissing him quickly on the cheek as I step off the steps and begin to walk down the street, I wait for him to catch up "thank you for helping me with this," I sigh "It means a lot to me"

"Anything for you" Kiba smiles, slipping his hand into mine as Akamaru trots up beside us 

After running for a few hours and covering about 12 miles we stop and make camp. 

Kiba makes a small fire in the middle of the campsite and we lean against the large boulder in the midst of the trees

Kiba and I both eat some food pills before tiredly leaning against the boulder and watching the stars

"are you worried?" he asks, tucking his arm behind my shoulders against the hard boulder

I nod slowly as I lean agaisnt his shoulder "I am, he um" I sigh as I lean my head closer "he has two sons and a wife at home. He is some of the only family I have left...I dont want to lose him too so I am really worried"

I yawn and pull my coat tighter around me 

"its kinda cold out tonight" Kiba notices, he wraps another arm around my waist, pulling me closer to him and letting me absorb his heat "this ok?" 

I nod, leaning against his chest. I chuckle lightly as I reall another night where Kiba and I leaned agaisnt each other "Its kinda like the Chunin exams" I murmer, letting my eyes close as I breathe in Kiba's warm reassuring scent. 

he chuckles lightly against my ear. "get some rest Sayuri, I'll do the first watch"

I nod lightly.. Kiba places a light kiss on the top of my head as I drift off.

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