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/////Asuma POV////

I swore that I would protect her... I'm so sorry Sayuri. You were so young and you had so much of your life ahead of you...

My hands shake as Kurenai cups them in hers, her soothing presence leaned into my side helping calm my breaths. 

The wind blows slightly as I let my head lean back against the brick outer wall of the Hokage building. 

The early morning sun rises over the buildings causing me to close my eyes as I inhale the fresh air. Restaurants are beginning their cooking and the smell waves through the air making my stomach growl 

I haven't eaten in over 12 hours...

"want me to get you something to eat?" Kurenai asks softly, lifting her head off my shoulder and giving me a sad smile as she runs a hand down the side of my face, 

I lean into her hand before grabbing it with mine "I'll go with you" I confirm "I don't wnat to be alone right now and I should probably make my way to the hospital"

Kureani nods and quietly leads me to a small breakfast shop down the street. And places our orders as I stare out the large cafe window at the awakening village. 

Most of them will have no idea what happened yesterday, a few may notice the increased security but most would go about their day-to-day activities and not notice what happened. When the chunin exams get cancelled I guess more will wonder what caused that, when we elect a new Hokage...

My hand covers my face I'm sorry father, I failed you...

a soft hand runs up my arm, gently pulling my hand away and kissing my hand softly "ready?" Kurenai asks 

I nod and we depart from the cafe.

Arriving at the hospital I try not to feel guilty by the amount of people here already, both her teammates and Ino, Shikamaru and Kiba. 

They all look up as we enter, Shikamaru nods but the other four just look before turning their heads back to how they were before 

Kureanai and I sit next to Shikamaru and Kurenai pull out the extra breakfast dumplings she got, holding them out to the others with a warm smile. 

They each took one and nodded their thanks, some ate and some just held it in their hands. I cant blame them, I don't want to eat mine either.

Next to me Shikamaru shifts so he is leaning forward, head bent down, eyes closed, hands pressed together to make an O 

I know that look, what is he planning?

Knowing better then to disturb his thought process I stare steadily at the wall in front of me, memorizing the tile patterns and how the light reflects off each one

The ICU doors open and we all jump to our feet as an exhausted Sakura stumbles out 

Ino reaches out to her and leads her to an empty bench, 

Sakura nods "we were able to find possible antidote" she mumbled before passing out against Ino's shoulder

"She's just sleeping" says Ino quietly, laying Sakura down gently on the bench "she should be fine in a few hours"

I nod an antidote,an antidote that could save Sayuri...

Kurenai picks up my hand and smiles at me "everything is going to be alright" she says quietly but cheerfully, 

I pull her in for a hug as I put my teary cheeks agaisnt her fluffy hair you're gonna be alright Sayuri, you're gonna be ok  

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