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my feet scuff up the dirt on the thin road towards the training grounds. Norio should be there with Ronin, I can get some training in.

the low murmer of two voices drifts from the small training field to my right, against my better judgement I pause and lean against one of the trees next to the lane. 

I quietly gasp as I identify the two voices to be Kakashi and Asuma 

"I know I dont always give the best advice Asuma"

"Rarely, if ever" Asuma snorts, the sound of his lighter being ignited cut through the air. 

"and I'm not usually rash" Kakashi continues 

Asuma huffs "what are you getting at Hatake?" 

"you know what I'm getting at, it's been long enough that you two have been playing this game"

after  a moment of silence so long I thought they had disapearred, Asuma continued "just with everything that's happened.."

"but then, if you think about it, there would never really be a good time" Kakashi assures 

the smoke from Asuma's cigarette stings my nose as Kakashi continues "we live the life of a Shinobi , our lives are full of loss and hardship. I know I never say anything like this but, what you and Kurenai have is special, you should embrace it before-" he cuts off 

Kurenai? I know they are dating but what else is he pointing at?

A deeo sigh comes from Asuma, blowing more smoke around the area, "I want too, believe me. I just-"

"I understand" Kakashi mumbles "at least talk to her about it, I'm sure Sayuri would understand"

Kakashi's footsteps begin to walk towards me and I shoot up into the tree and lay agaisnt the long branch above Asuma as Kakashi departs. 

Asuma takes another long draw from his cigerette and stares at the small field as he realeases it.

The smoke rises up into my face and my breath hitches as my lunges try to cough it up.

Asuma sighs "come on down Sayuri"


I swing my legs over the branch and my feet land on the ground next to him. I clench my hands together behind my back before looking up at Asuma 

pursing my lips together I apologize "Sorry for listening into the conversation"

Asuma chuckles as he lightly taps his cigarette againts his finger "I guess it's easier to tell you when you already partially know"

He raises the cigarette to his mouth and my hand shoots up, slapping the cigarette out of his hand and stamping a foot on it as it falls to the ground "you said you'd quit" I say, crossing my arms over my chest and shaking my head slightly "those are really bad for you, ya know?" 

He shakes his head, a trace of a smile on his lips as he leans back against the tree 

"so" I question "what did you want to talk about?" my foot taps against the ground behind me and the soft breeze blows my ponytail lightly

he huffs "it's about Kurenai"

"what about her" I gasp, my eyes going wide "IS SHE PREGNANT?" I screech, 

he jumps up at that, waving his hands "no no no no no no no, no she's not. It's about something else"

I hold my forehead "well that's great" I laugh, feeling slightly foolish for jumping to conclusions. I look at him expectently as he struggles to form a sentence "well? come on, what is it?" 

"I WANT TO MARRY HER" he blurts, face heating up as the words slip out as he slides down the tree and onto the ground 

I gasp lightly, I cross my legs under me as I sink down to the ground next to him "well" I murmur "I-" I pause, that's good right? That'll make him happy. but what would change about everything else?

"thats great!" I say, trying to cover up my nervousness with enthusiasm "That'll be good for both of you" will he want to move out and go with Kurenai or will she want to come live with us? maybe they will want me to move out?

He smiles from where he leans against the tree, an almost dreamy look drifts through his eyes has the breeze from the incoming fall rustles though our hair.

Clearing his throat he rises and offers me a hand, "I have something for you"

I smile, jumping to my feet "what is it?" I ask excitedly 

he chuckles, pulling out a small package from his inner vest pocket 

I rip open the bag to reveal two small trench knives. Well, not small but smaller then Asuma's and the perfect size for me.

I beam up at Asuma, "Are you going to teach me to use them!" I laugh excitedly, slipping my fingers through the slots and standing in a fighting position "THESE ARE SO COOL" I squeal "are they like yours? Can I channel the chakra through them?"

 "Ok, Ok" he laughs, "I originally got them for your birthday next week but now feels like a good time now"

I laugh I totally forgot about my birthday...I'll have to keep an eye on Ino and Norio, since they are known for their surprises

"Ok" he ushers me over, drawing out his knifes and raising them "lets get started"


I roll my shoulders and crack my neck as I slowly make my way through the streets. Though a lot less busy then a few days ago they still hold a considerable crowd. People making their way home or grabbing a bite to eat. 

I'm hungry...do I have anything at home or should I eat here?

I shiver slightly from the crisp night breeze 

"Fall is coming" a voice speaks up behind me, Kiba appears as he throws an arm over my shoulder "you're gonna get a cold if you leave the house without a coat"

"yeah no kidding" I laugh, trying to cover up my blush with a smile. His bare arm radiates heat from where it touches my back and neck 

I reach up, standing on my toes and put my hand against his forehead "do you have a fever? why are you so hot?" I ask concerned

he smirks, leaning down till he was just above my red face "aww you just wanted to touch my face and tell me how hot I am" he teases

I stammer, "no, what? I-"

"It's ok" he smirks, winking at me "I think you're pretty hot too"

I smack his arm lightly and roll my eyes "oh shush" I laugh 

"I'm not joking" he laughs, scratching his neck and clearing his throat "do you, um, do you wanna go get something to eat?" he asked nervously 

I nod my head enthusiastically "yeah! I would love that!" I say excitedly 

"Ramen?" he asks, beaming and making his little fang marks on his face scrunch up in a very adorable way  

My face heats up at his cuteness as I agree and we head off hand-in-hand towards Ichiraku's. 


leave a vote! and I am so sorry i havent updated in forever, I've been so busy and I've had a long lasting headache but I'm feeling better now!

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