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we jump through the trees tailing Akamaru, we may be louder then usual but we allowed ourselves that based on our numbers and speed 

Akamaru stops suddenly and jumps down through the branches below 

our feet all hit the ground in unison 

Akamaru stands looking from side to side before he turns back to Kiba and whines 

"whats wrong?" I ask, my stomach starts to feel uneasy 

Kiba shakes his head and pats the dogs head "he lost their scent" he smiles at me "but don't worry we'll find them"

instantly I felt better and reassured "ok, it's ok" I said that last part to reassure myself that they were ok 


we searched around the trees and bushes for any signs of them passing through. The only thing noteworthy was a puddle of blood that Shino found. 

I almost threw up seeing that, in the medical training I received they showed us how much blood a person could use before they died and that looked like more then enough.

I turn around, all the adrenaline courses through my veins, my stomach feels twisted with worry, I scream "RONIN, NORIO-" a hand clamps over my mouth 

"Sayuri" Kiba's voice is soft in my ear "it's ok, we'll find them, I promise"

all the worry hit me like a ton of bricks, my knees shook as my legs gave out from under me, 

I fight against a sob building in my throat "I can't lose them too" I bring my knees up to my face and try to slow down my breathing.

Kibas hand is on my shoulder and I can feel Akamaru rubbing his nose against my arm, I take a minute to compose myself before wiping my face with my sleeve and accepting Kibas hand to get up.

I bow to my surrounding friends "I'm so sorry, I put us all in danger with my outburst"

"Its ok Sayuri" Naruto says with a thumbs up "lets just go find your team!"

"but where to start" Hinata asks, crossing her arms under her chest 

Sakura nods "we lost their scent and all we have is this blood" she says the last part eyeing me probably expecting me to break out again

"maybe" Sasuke says "we can track the blood instead of their scent" 

I gulp try not to think of anything bad, try not to think of anything bad

Kiba nods "you can do that, right Akamaru?" Akamaru barks in response 

"alright then lets go" 

they all take off but I take one last glance at the puddle of blood Don't worry, I'm coming for you, I'll save you


I chew a few food pellets as we run I need to get my chakra built back up and stronger so I can heal whichever one got hurt

we have taken a few breaks and spread out to search in places where Akamaru has had us stop, we've found some more blood but not as much as the first puddle, at another location we also found Norio's black headband, I wrapped it loosely around my neck before we continued 

I was running alongside Kiba and tried to ignored the worried glances he sent my way 

'they're gonna be fine, I'll save them, I wont lose them too, I wont'

we turn again, Akamaru switching our direction for the fifth time

"this is an interesting trail" Shino speaks up behind me "its like whoever made it was trying to disrupt their trail while they were also disrupting scent" 

"call me weird for asking but, how does one disrupt their scent?" Sakura asked 

I inhale slowly, trying to remember what Ronin told me about his jutsu he was developing "it has something to do with letting the chakra slip from your body and using it to grab the natural scents around you to replace your scent with"

 I sigh "at least that's what I think, Ronin talked a little about it, he was trying to work with his dad on developing a jutsu that would be good for situations like this" gasping I realize "if Ronin is doing this then that means Norio is the one whos hurt, no one who has lost that much blood would be able to keep up their chakra balance like this" my words started getting jumbled towards the end of my sentence and I quickly inhale and swallow the cry building in my throat.  

oh Norio, you cant die, not yet, you promised me, you too Ronin 

my feet slam harder against the branches as I push myself faster 

we were going to become chunin together, and go on missions

the hot afternoon sun causes sweat to drip down my brow 

we were going to grow up together, you guys were going to be there to spy on me when I go on my first date, I was going to do the same

the scent of leaves and forest fills my nostrils 

when we get married we were going to be there, celebrating with each other

my jacket flapped against my body with every jump 

our kids were going to be best friends, like us

my hair started sticking to my neck and face 

the point was we were always going to be together

a tear rolled down my cheek 

I cant do this without you guys


Authors note \..chapter has been edited!

Hey yall how did you enjoy that chapter??? let me know in the comments. did I build some,tension or make you feel attached with Ronin and Norio? 

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