irresistible - muzan (fluff)

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The heavens must be playing a cruel joke.


"Give that to me."

Your eyes widened three times its size when the respectable demon-lord approached you with a stressed expression. And who wouldn't?

You're merely just a low demon that serves Douma after all, and to think you would be approached by the likes of the progenitor of all demon when your own lord won't bat an eye at your presence makes your remaining sanity leave its slowly quaking form to embarrass itself.

"T-this thing's bad, my lord." You inwardly slap yourself right on the face - before wallowing in a pit known as 'fuck why did I say that'. You just stuttered right in front of your demon god and worse; you denied him your opium-filled kiseru!

You're in no doubt a dead pile on the floor in the next millisecond--

"Did I stutter?"

The lord grunted with a guttural expression that matches a beast showing his dominance - and you know that demonic face is the last thing you'll see but the lord just took the liberty in sitting beside you on the roof with a soft thud. (Oh no, he just sat beside you - fuck! This is not going to end up with you being a bloody corpse right? Wait, isn't he supposed to kill you for being weak and pathetic? Holy shit, is this some kind of prank your co-demons are doing- why are you suffering this- wait, can you even call this suffering? The father of demons actually smells pretty good... fucking hell! What are you thinking? You're going to die and you're here sitting idly sniffing the air like a mutt!)

Your mind blackened, and while you were in your moment of weakness - the lord took your precious item away with a blink of an eye.

The lack of the wooden piece in your hand raised the hair on your neck and snapped your head at him with a snarl. You were about to snatched your soul back to you with no regards of your punishment, but stopped at the scenic that played before you.

You watched in plain awestruck at the way the lord inhaled the grey wisps in his mouth -the bowl flickered its sunlit hues and coloring his frame with sparks that looks as inhumane as him - before he let it all out with a sharp smoke pushing though his mouth. The ghosts from his lips danced around him, creating a mist that surrounded him like clouds would to a Buddha.

You've never seen someone use the kiseru as elegantly as he did, and his act caught your breath the way your eyes did by the ethereal man.

The lord did it again, this time - keeping the air of sweetened smoke in his lungs longer with his eyes closed, and the space in his once-furrowed eyebrows widening.

Your (color) orbs stared at his delightful expression with light reflected from the dying kiseru. His face, white as the snow, looked just as pure and relaxed before the moonlight. The western clothes he wore made him just as foreign, and it created a solemn visage before him. The frown he always wore eased into a thin line that plumps his chapped lips, and the furrowed edges of his eyebrows finally tamed the moment the wisps of your drug left his frame.

Your mind halted, your hand forgotten in the air. Captivating. Handsome. Was the lord always this attractive?

Because by Kichijouten; he looked so much irresistible this way.

You bit your lips to tempt away the sigh that dared to escape you, and just as you did, sharp bright ruby eyes opened slowly. They stared down at the gloomy forest below with brightness that rivaled the moon's and glazing back at you with a sharp stare that could cut your judgement in half.

"What are you staring at." His sharp statement came out a demand rather than a question, and fear of getting caught, you stuttered the first thing that came out in your mind.

"T-there was a firefly behind you." You managed to squeak out, before internally crying at your reason because it's not even summer anymore! (Goddamn it, your flustered mouth.)

Your cheeks warmed up when the lord raised an eyebrow at your words, and you were awaiting the taste of death.

Instead, he entertained your motion. He looked down at the forest, then back at you - staring you down with those glowing orbs that you wished could just take your existence.

But they melted you into a puddle of embarrassment instead. With a smirk and a playful look in his eyes, he spoke too softly that's no doubt an effect of the drug in his system; "We're a bit too high for them to fly about."

You opened your mouth to try and correct him, yet you find your body shaking in subservience before his stare. (For the lord to look at you as if you were something soft instead of a minion needed to be punished is too much for the likes of the sanity of a low demon like you.)

You instantly found the roof's wooden textures much more interesting than getting sucked in the lord's handsome smile.

Perhaps it's in the opium, or perhaps he was bored. Still, the way the lord chuckled deeply at your reaction with such care-free air made you closed your eyes in ruffled consciousness.

And you relished his subtle baritone that plays along with your strumming heart strings with a conflicted expression.

How an evil, evil being like the lord could utter such a child-like laughter bewilder your very person.


To disguise a devil as an angel right before a mortal's eyes.

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