random - pillars|kamaboko squad (crack)

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---Basically What Started This Chaos---

Shinobu: Giyuu, can you stop making everyone annoyed.

Giyuu: But I'm doing nothing?

Shinobu: Exactly.

You: *frowned* Ya'll know that's just rude.

Giyuu: Thank you, (Name)-

You: *slaps Giyuu's shoulder* Pay more respect to the man who absorbs our depressed energy you ungrateful children.
*turns to the big man* I'm sorry Giyuu, but everytime I see you suffer I feel happy to know I'm not feeling that way.

Shinobu: *wheeze* Relatable.

Giyuu: ...

Kyoujurou: Lmao I have no depressive thoughts, so no thanks.

Muichirou: Preach.

Shinobu: Kudos.

Mitsuri: What is depression?

Obanai: Close your eyes.

Mitsuri: *closed eyes* ahuh?

Obanai: Imagine that "nothing" being your feeling.

Mitsuri: *pouts* I'm sorry - *tears up* I just can't imagine a world without you.

Obanai: *dramatically grabs his shirt* my heart-

Giyuu: I'm surprised you have one-


You: You guys are so insensitive. *cries* what babies.

Giyuu: You forgot to count yourself-

Sabito: My god, Giyuu, take a hint.

Giyuu: You too?

Sabito: *makes a hashtag sign with his fingers* No regrets.

Uzui: *puts a shade on Sabito* OHHHHHHHH.

Giyuu: why do I exist if I only exist to suffer.

Gyomei: Mood as hell.

---You and the MC Squad Vibin---

Zenitsu: Do you guys think this girl is cute?

*Zenitsu shoves his  phone at your visage - only for a picture to illuminate brightly against your eyes and burn them at the sight of green hair pushing her lips in a duck face.*

You: Zenitsu, you always think all girls in the Instagram are cute.

Zenitsu: Because they are???

You: Then what can you say about me?

Zenitsu: Uhm... *visually sweats*

You: *raised a daring eyebrow*

*Zenitsu committed yoink and turns to the man wearing a boar onesie at the chubadai and shoved his phone screen at him.*

*Annoyed emerald eyes diverting their focused from their coloring book for a second.*

Zenitsu: Inosuke do you think this girl is cute?

Inosuke:  She breathes? She thot.

Zenitsu: How dare??? *gasped horrendously it's a miracle he's not choking* WHY? HOW? YOU blind? You poor virgin-- YOU???

You: I think Inosuke drinks pussies for dinner--

Zenitsu: I'm not talking to you!!! This is a woman's pride we're talking about!

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