distracted -inosuke (fluff)

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She talks and talks, but he only thinks of how would it feel to have his lips on hers.


Inosuke have always been sensitive with his heightened sense of touch.

He doesn't know what's the appeal between touching and all of those romantic junk – it peeved him actually, because why would you let someone touch you if they're not gonna fight you, huh?

He's ignorant about most things and he knew that, and ever since he knew of Kentaro – he's trying his best to at least be (more) better than him.

And Inosuke's very adamant to upstage him, even if it meant dwindling with something disgustingly stupid in his mind just to show Chinkomitsu and the others he's a natural in this whole touching thing.

So, out of all people he could've asked to help him know the appeal; it has to be you.

And you did not fail such (impossible) simple task.

You held unto his hand with both of yours; the way you cradled his hand felt as if you're treating him like he's fragile when he's not. It peeved him, because he's strong and you should handle him such.

A lingering warmth followed your fingers, ghosting his palm littered with hollows and roughened patches. Every gentle stroke you've traced on the lines on his palm felt softer than a brush; lacing the pad of your fingers with silk-like waves that made his heart stutter its beat – it's addicting.

Inosuke can't feel his expression behind his mask because your hold... it felt indulging. To the point your fingers felt no longer like the caresses on his palm but it overwhelms his lungs with the feeling of being stuffed with warm cottons – caging his breathing to be irrational.

Inosuke reminds himself that you're just holding his hand. (Yet, why does he feel as if his whole body is protected with just your hands on his?)

"Have you ever heard of the saying that 'actions speak louder than words'?" You broke the silence between you, and your voice was louder than the pounding of drum resonating in his chest. "Because it is the truth."

Fingers, dainty and small curled unto his index, wrapping it with enough tightness that gripped on his heart. The feeling of your hands on his seeped over him like the warm summer breeze – giving him a sensation of your being hugging him in the coldest of winters. (He wants to melt, he really does; but his pride told him not to – not yet, it says – and he asked why, only to be replied with the loudness of his heart pumping.)

Inosuke waited for you to continue your words, and he found himself enthralled with your thumb slowly brushing over his palm like ripples in a calm lake.

It was a wonder to watch... and more to feel.

With how easily you enrapture his whole frame with warmth that seems to rise further with just sliver of your fingers cupping tighter on his hand. (It confuses him.)

"Words can lie, voice can change the message and actions... actions will never lie nor does it change a person's intention."

You whispered, so soft that only he can hear and it made him eager to hear more of your voice.

"They bring light to the truth of one's desire."

Inosuke's eyes that was once admiring your gentle caress flickered up to your face to study your reaction – and he found himself staring in those (color) pools that glistened with something bright and longing; he had never seen your eyes so close, and it made him want to stare long enough to listen to the thoughts running in your mind.

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