moon - tanjirou (fluff)

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She saw the sun in his being, felt its rays touch her skin. The warmth in his eyes melted the ice she called her heart.


When Tanjirou is lying with a face like that - you don't even know if you should continue being angry, or find his reaction endearing.

The matter of who ate your tiramisu would be saved for a later date, right now - you just want to soak up on this rare event. You drop your hardened stare at the sight of his sour expression, your big frown softening into a small contented-smile.

If that face wasn't hilariously adorable, then you don't know what is.

Gingerly, you put your hands above his - making him stiffened at the contact shared as you pried his hands away from hiding his aching face, your eyes brightening at the sight of his burgundy ones and yours further curled with mirth that eases Tanjirou's frayed nerves from your manhunt.

"Don't hide, it's just me." You whispered, comforting him, reassuring him, the tone you're using reminds him of the one he used to console his siblings. "I'm not mad anymore, you see?"

You gave him a big childish grin to further your point, and the rhyme only egged him to give you a shy smile.

To see you like this; gaze softer than your hardened ones, a smile curled alike a moon's and with a scent that's akin to a flowered field of morning glory and to have you comfort him... It made Tanjirou feel protected, his feelings honest than the lie he just spouted.

His eyes shined in a light you've never seen before, and you blinked in surprise when Tanjirou curled his fingers around yours and bowed his head until he's hiding his face with the comfort of your palm on his cheek.

You couldn't help but inhale sharply, surprised by the valiant act from your usual-oblivious friend – still, you kept your soft stare on him as let out a soft chuckle the reverberated in the Kamado's chest with a stuffy buzz.

Under your moonlit gaze, he suddenly felt penitent. It showed on the way his eyebrows arched towards each other and the glow of defeat in his eyes. The frown on his lips tightened, and his grip on your hand strengthened in guilt.

He suddenly felt unconscious on how close his lips are on your palm. The warmth coming from his face seeped on your own as your fingers unwillingly traced the smoothness of his jaw, the way he looked up at you with an apologetic doe-eyes made your heart stutter uncomfortably in its bony cage.

Tanjirou never thought that your gaze could softened further, but he's not complaining when they did. In fact, he felt his captivated in yours.

Like a sun mirroring the moon - just as bright, just as warm.

"I apologize, (Name)-chan." He whispered dejectedly, and Tanjirou swore your fingers cupped his cheek. He waited for you to answer his apology, but you ended up ruining the moment by laughing. A gradient of blush distant on your face and a big, childish grin on its wake.

"I think that's enough sweetness for the both of us." You giggled, taking your hand away from his face – leaving a trail of cold disappointment from where your heat has been – only for Tanjirou's soul to leave his being in a brief second the moment you wrapped your arms around his waist.

He can feel you shaking from both embarrassment and forced joy. The heat emanating from you felt comfortable in the evening air, coaxing you to hug him closer as you stole his warmth before the engawa.

Tanjirou melted quickly in the hug and complied with your embrace by snaking his arms on your waist, turning his body until it was facing yours – knees meeting each other awkwardly as he hugged you just as that. Tanjirou never thought he could be physically starved, but the way you grip on the back of his haori and of the feel of your limbs on his; you showed him that he is with how stuffy his chest feel with you inside his arms.

And that... he is starved with the allure of your starry-eyed smile.

"You could've just told me Inosuke ate it you, baka."

You felt, more than heard his laughter when his warm arms enveloped around you - pulling you closer against him as you felt the weight of his hand on your head, patting you like he does with Nezuko and earning him a hearty giggle that resonated with his soul.

"The thing is," Tanjirou chuckled nervously. "I ate it."

The Kamado felt choked at the way you tightened your grip around him, once peaceful (color) eyes bursts into fury. "You ingrate, I trusted you."

Each statement stabbed the poor Kamado's heart more painfully than his lying expression. Crystal warmth burst out of his eyes as he looks at you hopelessly with tears streaming down like waterfalls. "G-gomen!"

You screeched at his apology as you pull him towards the pond - the poor lad crying his eyes out as he begged for your eternal forgiveness mid-air. "Sorry won't bring back my goddamn cake, you baka!"



Tanjirou got sick in the morning. Everyone in the household was unhappy with your decision. Except for Inosuke.

Inosuke praised you for putting Gonpachiro in his rightful place. Whoever that is.


The kamado sulked the whole time he was recovering. He thought you would never forgive him – it was a moment of weakness for him and the food was just begging to be eaten, and it was too late to realize it was your serving. But an act of mistake or not, he reaped what he sows from and he is truly regretting it.

Especially when he thought you've finally graced him with your undivided attention.

When the shoji of his room slid open for the moon light to trickle in the gap, his eyes widened with the way the sky's crescent's brightness lit up your own smile.

You came in silently and lit the lantern in his room and Tanjirou watches your soft movements with his face half-covered with the blanket of his futon. You caught his repenting gaze, and he smelled the field of moon flower once again.

"Next time, don't lie – alright?" You grabbed the warm kerchief that was settled on his forehead, the pad of your fingertips pushing away the strand of wet burgundy that sticks on his head. "It must've been painful for you, but it is as painful to me."

"Well," You caught yourself and a soft laughter escaped from you. "Painfully amusing."

Tanjirou groaned at that tease, but he succumbed with laughter along with you.

He sighed, looking up at you in a newer light that warmed his chest. The Kamado called your name with a strained voice, and you hummed just in time the feel of coldness on his forehead eased him to say words he wanted to say ever since you've looked at Nezuko with those moonlit smiles.

"I like you."

He felt your fingers twitched, and your warmth muddled with his own mixed the tiredness that takes toll on his drifting consciousness. The last thing he saw before was the beauty of the moon shining down on him with starry-eyed smile. "I like you, too."


She fell in love to the man she calls her opposite.

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