blessing - sabito (fluff)

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A mirage, a blessing - it's a mirror of one's wish and desire.


Sabito's tails swayed with the evening cacophony, swinging with the gentle breeze that passed you two. The cicadas sing, the crickets play - it was a haunting melody, as it was the image of his glowing face illuminated by the waxy fireflies.

"Close your eyes." He spoke a timbre that constricted your heart with the way his lips moved, and you think for a second that he was haunting too, with how kind he looks at you with those tender eyes. 

You did what he said, because you feel that your vision will shake into submission if you looked more into those lavender pools - pulling you more and more in an abyss you know you can't easily leave.

A rustle of the grass made your heartbeat louder in your ears, and you closed your eyes as tightly with your hands gripping each other.

Waiting, and waiting...

You inhaled a sharp breathe when you feel his warm ones on your face, and you find his velvet chuckle stuffing your heart with honey mead.

It was warm, it was soothing.
It was also tender.

You felt a pair of lips pressed in your forehead, and a sliver of shudder followed his eskimo kisses as he goes lower, and lower.

On your closed eyes, they landed smoothly - as if they promise clear sight of a future, with him.

On your cheeks, his mouth curled into a smile and you felt them full against your skin - and suddenly, yours were smiling too.

Dumbly, but happily.

And then you waited, and waited.

Because you know his lips would be just mere inches with yours, and that made you immense with a shy excitement.

It shows on how you scrunched your face cutely, and Sabito's teasing chuckle danced around your heart once more.

His knuckles, soft yet hard, brushed on your jaw - and his fingers cupped on them like a tight leash that made you suffocate in a comfort knowing he's there.

Then you felt him.

He pressed his lips on the side of your own, once, twice - always just brushing on your lips, and you think your heart flutters to the point it made a high sound escaping your mouth.

The phantom squeeze of his fingers on your face was no imagination, and the chuckle that blew your face with warmth made you open your eyes.

And you were greeted with a promise: lidded, wisteria pools soulfully looking into yours, curled mirthfully like the crescent moon.

And with a loving stare, whose heat is as strong as a furnace in summer.

That mischievous smile grew another inch wider, and the last thing you saw was his eyes closing the moment the distance between you.

And the way his kisses danced passionately with yours, was that of his blessing.

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