annoyance - tengen (fluff)

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Annoyance is an endearment only the childish hearts can give.


You bumped into him, often times, you always do.

It's not that you're clumsy, it's just--

"Hey, watch it." He snapped at you sharply, and you frowned at him with agitation.

"I am." You retorted, raising your lips at the student in grey hoodie holding an ugly sneer. "Your shoulders are just bended awkwardly with how you pocket your hands."

You pointed at him, cringing the same time you told him this; "You also look stupid walking like that."

You didn't realized back then that the crowd's gasps of incredulity was for you, and not for him. Still, you remember how he looks flabbergasted, and his red eyes widened just a bit before they narrowed in irritation that makes you feel as if they're ruby sharp and impenetrable. "Yeah? I think you're the one stupid for bumping into me, stupid."

You pulled your lips sideways, making them fall in a bored straight line with your bored gaze on him. You silently judged his vocabulary, and he seemed to be proud of himself at rendering you silent . 

He's a simpleton, you realized. 

You let out a sigh and walked towards him, he was preparing for you with that ugly smirk of his - but he whatever he was preparing was certainly not the heavy slap on his back. The boy easily straightened at your treatment, but not with a loud 'ow' that echoed in the hallways.

"Stand straight and walk straight. You'd be a hunchback before you know it." You huffed at him with a cheeky smirk when tears of pain brimmed on his eyes - he doesn't look all that threatening even when he's staring you down.

You fixed your glasses, bowing your head politely, before walking away. Not truly prepared that the boy suddenly found interest in you after that. 

--Ever since you talked back to him, he was really up front with bumping into you in the hallways as if it was his goddamn business.

It kind of concerned you at first, because no sane student would do that everyday. So you asked the teachers to handle him, and they might have done a terrible job at the case of your 'bullying' because he kept pestering you even after that.

With his insistence to follow you like a loyal dog (that always yips and barks at the most crucial of times), You learned that he is a delinquent - so you kind of let a part of your anger go. His kinds often are quirky and better not to mess with - and given how you were new in this school as a transfer student, you never really knew better than to talk back to the kid that 'rules the school'.

Besides, he's harmless at most cases. Just troublesome to be with. Annoying... really taxing... you sincerely miss having a moment of silence.

"Hey!" You grumbled lightly as you fixed your glasses, before pushing your lower lips out in a pout with the way he smirked at you. 

"Hey there too." His toothy smile shined with a coyness that reaches his cheeks.

He might've thought he look hotshot with that set stupid piercings of his, or with that pretty mug that other girls like to coo about- but to you; Tengen, Uzui is just that one guy that irritates you just for existing.

"You ever thought of just, you know?" You flick your wrist exasperatedly as you find your words, having your patience grow thin with how he always appear at moments you thought you would never see the living daylight of him. 

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