prey - kokushibou (lime)

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"Everyone's a prey in life; they only became predators to those weaker than them.
Often, it's because of love."

The demon have no emotions rather than the polar of what human feel.

He lost his humanity. All of those alongside his brother.

He didn't think much of it.

Life have served blessings on his plate after ingesting so much hatred and envy in his soul that he thought nothing of it.

He's strong now, he's capable of being a god.

He never have he felt intimidated for decades, and it stayed that way.

Until you came out of nowhere, taking off his hand and slashing the other with silence.

You stared at him, dead eyes glazed with painted pursed lips - easily dodging his attacks.

Just who are you?

"You're quite sad, aren't you?" You spoke as easily as the moment you swirled around his attacks with your blade deflecting his hands.

His eyes widened when he felt something puncture on his chest and he grabbed at the cursed blade burning his inside but you withdraw easily as you flick the blood out of your blade. "Your soul is full of wrath and sadness."

You looked down at him as one would a prey - (color) eyes shining with a mirth he saw in Muzan's whenever he play with his food: sadistic.

"You must've been lonely." You pouted down at him and gave him a look that would've been pity, but they looked frustrating at best.

He wanted to attack you but there's something laced in your blade that made his attacks sluggish and composure weak.

Your mocking voice jingled like a wind chime as the poison took effects in his vein - and he could only keep up by swiping his hands at you with lethargic attacks that doesn't need your sword.

Kokushibou felt as if he's being toyed once again and it frustrates him to the point to keep assaulting you despite the vulnerability his body faced. "Shut up." He hissed at you with a guttural voice that shocks your body in halt, and your vision twinkled with amusement in reply to his threat.

He felt a warm hand coated with his blood grabbed unto his chin - fingers gripping on his face as human nails dug deeply in his skin. You close the distance between you with agility that made him stunned, and you muttered words into his that made him waged internal conflict in his cornered mind.

"You're such a beautiful hue of suffering."

You ducked back from the arm that tries to cage you - and you flick your katana with a strong swipe that all smudge of maroon on the (color) blade dropped easily on the floor. Still - you raised a rag and cleaned it with so much luxury in your movement that it made him angry at your bravado.

The demon's face morphed more in anger when he realized that the rag you were using came from his own kimono.

Kokushibou never felt fear and envy so potent, so strong, that it drowns out the feeling of biting poison in his veins. He garnered strength that could've easily cut a slayer in half at best - but only your haori sleeve was damaged from his attack.

Anger flashed just a moment in your eyes and he felt himself grin at that small ounce of victory he had on you - before his ability to breathe was cut short with your scabbard being sliced on his throat.

You clicked your tongue when his body fell on the floor, staining the tatami mat with so much of his blood it became as dark as mud. A hand grasped on his neck, trying to keep the damage minimum as he stared at you with more than a pair of eyes.

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