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Felix backed away from John as he held onto his egg protectively. "Sorry sorry. I got too close". Felix said and sat at a corner of the tent they were staying in. Nat and Mike went to get fire wood for the campsite so Felix and John were left alone in the tent. Felix watched silently as John cooed to his egg and made sure it was warm. "When's it gonna hatch?" Felix spoke up. John looked at him and thought for a bit. "I'm... not sure. Usually the female is suppose to know" John held the egg close to his chest. "How long has it been in an egg?" Felix asked more. "For... a year now?" John said. Felix pulled a frown and thought for a bit. "They shouldn't last that long..." John shook his head. "He's just a late bloomer" Felix pulled his knees up to his chest. "He?"

John nodded. "I have a feeling it's a boy. I just know it!" He laid down still holding onto the egg close. Felix nodded and laid down too. They both needed sleep badly, but something in Felix's mind told him to stay awake just a bit longer and he was right. Just as about 5 hours pasted he heard a crack. He sat up and rubbed his eyes looking towards where the sound came from. The golden egg caught his eye as it started moving. Felix gasped lightly as he crawled over to it. The golden egg had a small crack in it that turned bigger and bigger until a tiny hand came from it. "Woah" Felix said softly and let the tiny hand grasp his finger. Soon the egg cracked fully and a golden baby dragon was sitting inside. The baby held onto Felix's finger tight rubbing his face. Felix glanced at John before picking up the infant carefully.

"You are a boy" Felix laughed a bit and brushed away the infants golden locks. "You're adorable too" The infant yawned and tried opening his eyes. Before Felix could comment any further a looming shadow appeared behind him. Smoke filled around Felix and he froze. He knew who was behind him and quickly turned around showing off the baby. John sniffed the infant before turning back to normal and taking the baby. "He's alive" he said softly and caressed the infant's head. Felix gulped and calmed down before piping up,"W-What's his name?" He stuttered a bit. "I'm... gonna call him...Gage"

John paced back and forth with Gage in his arms trying to calm him down. He tried everything, rocking him, making a pacifier out of wood, letting him burn/turn things to gold(which fFelix happily took) and even tried giving him something to eat. "He's hungry" Nat told him. "I tried giving him food!!" John yelled over the crying. "Babies can't eat lamb!!" Mike yelled over too. Nat shook his head. "Let us take care of him while you go look for food!!" Nat asked and tried grabbing him before John growled and backed away. "No!!" He yelled. "He's mine!!" John kept rocking him back and forth before eventually he settled down and fell asleep. Felix came up behind him and tapped his shoulder. John looked at him. "What?" He asked. "Let me hold him. You need to get him some milk or something" John growled at him before Felix bopped him on the nose with a weird tube. "Stop growling at me. You want him to live don't you?!" Felix crosses his arms glaring at John. "Don't be a terrible father" John stared at him before reluctantly giving Gage to him.

"Thank you" Felix told him. John stared at Gage for awhile before turning into his dragon form and flied off to the nearest village. Gage squirmed in his grip and started chewing on his dragon tail. Felix, going back inside, did all he could to stall John some time.

John came back an hour later with nothing in his hands. "Where's the milk??" Felix asked and stomped impatiently on the ground. John opened his mouth and hacked out an entire cow. ".... ew" Felix said making a disgusted face. John turned normal, wiping his mouth, and held out his arms at Felix. "Give" he said. Felix looked at him a bit confused before remembering. "Oh right! I thought you wanted a hug from yours truly" He joked and went back inside the tent. Mike was trying to pry off Gage from his tail. "Please help" He told Felix. Felix replied by stifling his laughter and helping him pry off Gage.

Once they got him off it was back to crying. Felix quickly brought him to John and John quickly put Gage to the cow's udder. He latched on and started drinking the milk contently. John sighed in relief and watched him. Felix was about to go inside before John pulled him down next to him by the leg. "That's a good way to break something" Felix told him. "Thanks" John muttered. Felix tilted his head at him. "Thanks what?" He asked. "Thanks for taking care of him. Thanks for being there when he hatched. I was sound asleep, but you heard him and took him out. He's so content with you" John told him and cradled Gage in his arms once he was done. Felix smiled a bit blushing lightly. "It's not a big deal. I was a baby too y'know? ....but... you do gotta burp the baby" John patted Gage's back till he burped and gave him to Felix. Felix held his tiny hands in his hands. "He looks like you" He told John.

John smiled and hugged him. "I know" he said while burying his face in his hair. Gage yawned and snuggled into Felix's chest.


They bond over Gage, Mostly just them being there for each other

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