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It had already been around a week since Anvi and her family shifted to Chandigarh and after their dinner at the Gills, both the families started becoming good friends. 

Its around 6 in the morning right now and Shubman who is used to waking up early in the morning to wake up is already up, he as usual goes to his balcony to have a good view of the city. Anvi, who is not at all an early to rise person for the first time is up already without anyone anyone actually screaming on her head to wake up. As soon as Anvi woke up she felt really very uneasy and could not sleep back, so she brushed, washed her face and came out in the balcony for some fresh air which she thought will make her feel better. 

As soon as Anvi entered the balcony Shubman who was already in his balcony noticed her. 


I saw Anvi entering the balcony and since the past few days I have never seen that which clearly implies that she is not a morning person at all. She was wearing her night shorts and loose t-shirt, she had a messy bun with loose strands of hair falling down because of her short hair and her big specs on. She had not noticed me yet and was just seeing the view and was trying to feel the breeze. 

"Hey Anvi." I called out to her which made her look towards me. 

"Hey Shubman." she greeted with a smile and came towards my end of her balcony and I did the same here.

"Are you always up so early in the morning?" she asked me. 

"Yeah, I am used to it since childhood because I have always had early morning cricket practices." I said truthfully. 

"Thats nice actually, its a good habit." she said but I felt that she wanted to say something more so I asked her, "What about you?"

"I cannot wake up until my dad comes and wakes me up." she said. 

"Why is that?" I asked her. 

"See, I am a total night owl, so I find it really had to wake up on my own in the morning cause I do not remember the last time I slept before 12. So someone has to wake me up in the morning, my mom will wake me up in an angry way, my sister will end up annoying me but my dad is the best, he just says my name I say 5 minutes then he comes back after 15 minutes and then I wake up." she narrated the whole story. 

"Woah! thats a really nice explanation." I teased her. 

"Stop okay, its my style." She said and I laughed. 

"So why are you up so early on a Sunday?" I asked her. 

"I really dont know, the thing is I am used to waking up early on Sundays because in Dubai we had a Friday - Saturday weekend. And I was feeling really uneasy so I woke up." She replied. 

"Oh, why are you feeling uneasy but?" I asked her. 

"I dont know, my stomach is also paining and I am having cramps so yeah and I am just missing Dubai I guess." she replied back in a confused manner, her face looked so cute at that time. 

"Are you in any chance on your periods?" I asked her cause this is exactly Shahneel di rants about when she is in periods.

"Yeah, how did you come to know?" she asked me with a shocked face. 

"Shahneel di." I simply replied. 

"Di is here? Where is she?" she asked and started looking behind me. 

"I meant that she always complains about cramps, stomach pain and all during her periods so I obviously have to know about it." he replied. 

"Thats nice that you know about it atleast and I hope you do not fight with her when she is on periods cause we can get really weird at those times." she said and we laughed.

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