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Anvi ran to her room to take her suitcase and quickly got rid of her saree under which she had smartly worn her jeans, and she wore her jacket and ran out of the resort. 

"He will be better of without you but will you be good without him?" she heard a voice and turned, it was Risha.

"Rish?" Anvi asked. 

"Yes di, will you be okay without him? Will you be able to be happy without him? Wont you miss him? You love him di, its seen in your eyes. " Risha said. 

"No I dont love him, I wont miss him, I will be perfectly fine with out him." Anvi said with tears streaming down her eyes.

"Then what are these tears for? When he left you, I know how many nights you cried for him, how much you prayed to god that he comes back. He is back now, he was not at fault and you know it. He did everything for you. He was always there for you di." Risha said. 

"No he wasnt, he left me broken, I cried so much for nights on end. I cant go through that again. I dont want to make the same mistake again. I am going bye." Anvi said and got into the cab. 

Anvi could not control her tears at all, they were streaming down her eyes like a water fall. She could not stop the storm within her mind. All the memories, good, bad but with him came flooding into her mind. 

"Maam are you okay?" the driver asked, looking at Anvi's miserable condition. 

"Yes just drive to the airport, as fast as you can please." Anvi said and the driver nodded. 

"He will be fine but will you?" Risha's voice echoed in her ears. 

"I love you Vi." Shubman's face came in front of her eyes as such closed them. 

"I wish I could tell you the same thing and you would listen to me." Iya's voice came into her mind. 

She remembered that day when Tom showed her that video.


I was in my office, making the reports for the players, the Indian cricket team had left like two weeks back and I was back on track. I missed the whole team and him, which is something I hate to admit. I need to forget him now, he does not love me, it seems like he never did then why did he act? I need to forget him. 

"Anvi" Tom said and entered the office. 

"What happened?" I asked.

"See this." he said and showed his phone to me.

It was a video of Rinda? 

"This is a video of Rinda, why are you showing it to me?" I asked. 

"It has been doing rounds on the internet since the night we won the series against India, I did not notice it because it did not feature on my feed, maybe it was the same for you. But, Abhishek called me today and told me to show this to you. You really need to see it." he rambled. 

"Okay" I said and saw the video.

It left me shocked, Rinda blackmailed Maan so that Suhana could date him. But why? And for what?

I saw the video closely again and I understood that she did that for Abhay, it was evident, and maybe they only made this video. 

"When was this video revealed or posted or whatever?" I asked.

"The night the ICT left." he said..

"And how?" I asked. 

"It was posted on Suhana's account but after a day it was deleted but it was reposted and posted too many times and there was a big fuss in the Indian media." he said. 

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