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I am sleeping so peacefully but this damn bell wont let me sleep. GOD who created this bell? 

I lousily got up the bed and opened the door to see Tom. 

"Get lost." I said and slammed the door on his face and he rang the bell again and I opened the door again but this time I say someone more was there, he was on the door of the next room and I saw him and gave him a blind eye and looked at Tom.

"What happened?" I asked Tom annoyed. 

"It is 6 we need to leave, training?" he reminded me. 

"Ya shit, thanks." I said all together. 

"What the hell is wrong with your face?" he asked me. 

"What is wrong with it?" I asked Tom and I felt his gaze on me, he was still on the door. 

"Your eyes are blood shot and you look like a mess, I mean you always look like a mess when you wakeup but your eyes are never so red." he said. 

"Shit." I said as I checked my face in the mirror, I cried all night while working and it is so evident. 

"You worked all night again?" he asked looking at my bed which had the laptop open with papers scattered. 

"Ya I was not sleepy so I worked my self to sleep." and cried I added in my brain, when I saw Maan's gaze still on me I said in my brain, yes I cried because of you again. 

"Dude you really need good sleep, are you stressed out about anything?" Tom asked me, he really does care for all. 

"No, everything is okay." I lied. 

"Then fine, be down in 15." he said while heading out and I slammed the door close, I could not be in his gaze for more than a second now, I later just got into the bathroom, took a long shower got ready, took my stuff and ran down. 


The only person I could think of all night was Vi, I so damn want to go and hug her , tell her the truth and get her back but I just cannot do that. It was 6 in the morning and we leave at around 7 for the practice so I came out of the room and saw Tom outside the room next to mine. I gave him a smile and he returned one too.

What happened next shocked me Vi opened the door and said, "Get lost Tom." Tom sighed and rang the bell again and she opened the door properly this time and she looked like a mess, her eyes were red and blood shot and there were dry tears on her face, it looked like she cried herself to sleep. Did she cry because of me?

Her bed was a mess and Tom asked her if she worked all night and she casually said that she worked her self to sleep, who does that? I mean she used to go late nights even before but this is too much. He seemed quite concerned and he asked her if she was fine and she just nodded and said yes, but I knew she was not fine and the reason for that was me. 

I entered the lift with Tom, "Hey Tom" I said. 

"Hey Good Morning Shubman." he cheerfully replied. 

I had a small talk with him and then went to the breakfast hall together and we joined our teams. 

I took my plate and sat next to Abhay, after a while Suhana came to me and said, "Good morning baby." 

"Good morning Suhana." I said, dont tell me she is coming along for the training. 

"You got up so early?" I asked her. 

I WILL ALWAYS BE THERE FOR YOU (COMPLETED)✔️Where stories live. Discover now