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My life is such a mess, first shifting her to Mohali and then these god damn people in my class, why the hell is God never fair when it comes to my life? I am coming back from school right now and guess what? I have never had an even worse day in my life ever. 

I am in a really bad mood and I am blaming everyone in my life for this, I run towards the lift and enter it. Upon reaching the house I continuously ring the bell meanwhile Shubman comes from the lift and rings his house door bell and says, "Hey Anvi."

"Hey Shubman." I replied back with an uninterested look on my face, I bet the fact that I sounded really rude but I just did not mean it but I was in a really bad mood so I found it the best to stay quiet rather than speaking anything. Luckily mumma opened the door and said, "Hi beta, come." and upon seeing Shubman she said, "Hi beta, these are your house keys Keart gave it to me before leaving, she had to go to her friend's place for an emergency and you forgot to take your keys along with you." 

"Thank you aunty, bye." he said taking the keys and went. 

"How was your day today?" Mumma asked me.

"I will tell later mumma." I said and started moving towards my room because I knew that if I speak anything right now then the volcano within me is going to erupt and mumma and I get into fights really quick and they can get really nasty. 

"What do you mean by 'I will tell you later'? Tell now." She said in a  demanding tone. 

"I had an amazing day today, khush? ab main jaoo?" I said and I left for my room, I was sure that mumma will tell all this to daddy in the night and I am going to be stuck in a big mess but if I said anything else na it would have become a huge drama. 



I actually felt that there was something wrong with Anvi when she said hi in the afternoon, she seemed to be in a really bad mood. I really wanted to ask her what happened but I couldn't because I did not have her number yet and I was not sure if she would necessarily reply cause we were not that close also yet. 

I had already finished my dinner and then I sat with Ma, Papa and Shahneel di for a while and we talked about all random stuff because I am not always at home for a long time because of cricket but whenever I am at home I make sure that I spend most of my time with them. 

It was almost 10 by now and Ma and Papa went to their room to sleep after a while di and I also went to our rooms because she had some assignment to be completed . 

I wanted to eat ice cream really badly and couldn't resist so I took a tub of chocolate ice cream from the fridge and went to my room. Anyways I am at home toh diet ki aisi ki taisi ho hi gayi hai, break ke baad Virat bhai bohot extra work out denge. 

I went out to the balcony to see whats happening in the city and I was eating the ice cream. I saw towards Anvi's balcony to see if she was there and I saw a frail figure down on her knees in the corner of the balcony, for some reason it looked like she was crying. After taking a closer look I saw that it was Anvi only, her eyes were full of tears and she was crying silently. I could not see her in such a miserable state so I called her name, "Anvi." 

She lifted her head and got up listening to someone calling her and saw me in my balcony, she immediately wiped her tears and came towards me with her phone in one hand. 

"Hey." she said with a fake smile, the tears on her face had already dried up and her face looked really pale. 

"Stop giving me that fake smile, what happened?" I firmly asked her. 

I WILL ALWAYS BE THERE FOR YOU (COMPLETED)✔️Where stories live. Discover now