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No I am not dreaming, this is her, it is that same lady that spoilt and messed things up for me I just got the shock of my life, I never thought I will come face to face with her again. Her eyes popped looking at me but I kept my cool and acted normal and unmoved.

"Who the hell are you to intervene? Do you even know who I am?" she asked rudely, her attitude as he put it in his sugar coated words but I would rather call it ego.

"Who I am does not matter and neither does who you are. All that matters now is you are screaming and shouting at these poor and innocent kids who did nothing." I said firmly.

"Poor and innocent, these kids, huh. Look what they did to my dress." she said and I saw her white, body hugging, knee length one piece which had a chocolate m=stain in between which kind of made me laugh but I controlled.

"It is just a dress aunty, I will ask mummy to pay for the dry clean." the small boy said and his cut confidence made me smile and laugh both.

"How dare you speak to me in such a way? You brat." she said an went on to hit him.

"Mind your words and hands Ms. Suhana Khan." I shouted coming in front of that boy and holding her hand and I noticed a few eyes on me but I just did not care to see who it was.

"Keep your bloody hands to your self." I scoffed and looked back to the kids who looked scared.

"Who the hell are you to stop me? It is none of your business anyways stay away and put my hand down." she said.

"Who I am is none of your business and yes I have full rights to stop a heartless person who is all set to abuse a kid just for staining her dress and that too when it was that lady who was on her phone and banged the kids." I said and threw her hand down.

"These kids are ruthless, I dont know why I am even talking to you and wasting my time behind them for a 500 Euro dress." she scoffed.

"Exactly so get lost." I said and she gave me a glare before leaving.

"Are you both okay?" I asked and turned and bent down to face them.

"Yes." they both said but they still looked horrified. 

"Why do you both look so sad? Because that aunty shouted at you?" I asked them. 

"Ya, the is very bad aunty." the girl said.

"Ya and because of her our chocolate fell down." the boy continued. 

"Oh so the chocolate is the problem?" I asked and they cutely nodded, I immediately opened my wallet and removed two chocolates. 

"You want these?" I asked them and wiggled my eyebrows. 

"Yes, but mummy said not to take anything from whom we do not know." the girl said. 

"But I am your friend na, I helped you." I said. 

"Ya she is right Anshi." the boy said. 

"So you want it or not?" I asked. 

"We want it." they said and jumped to get it as I raised the chocolates high every time they came to take it. 

"I will give you only on one condition, tell me your names." I said. 

"First you tell yours." they said. 

"Smart, I will tell. My name is Anvi." I smiled. 

"My name is Anshvira." the girl said. 

"My name is Vian." the boy said. 

Anshvira and Vian, these names bring back so many memories, wait are they? No that is not possible. And I went into a flashback. 

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