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A tall, beautiful woman in her mid twenties entered the hotel. She had her hair falling till her shoulders with waves in the end and dark blue high lights. She was in a dark blue hoodie which was zipped up and a dark blue track pants with her Adidas trainers on. She had a small suitcase and bag hanging down from her shoulders.  

She smartly walked up to the reception and the receptionist seeing her smiled and said, "Hello ma'am, how may I help you?"

"Hello, I am from the England Cricket Team." she said. 

"Yes, the England Cricket Team is supposed to be staying with us. Can I please have your id and passport?" the receptionist said. 

"Yes sure, Anvi Ayani, team psychologist." she said confidently, showing her id and passport. 

"Here ma'am, your room keys. I hope you enjoy your stay with us." the receptionist said. 

"Thank you." she said and walked ahead. 

"Anvi" a guy screamed and she walked towards him. 

"Hey Tom." Anvi said and side hugged him. 

"Hey Anvi." another guy said. 

"Hey Archer and hey team." Anvi cheerfully wished. 

"Hey Anvi." all the team members replied. 

"So, you got your room key ?" Tom asked. 

"Yes I have gotten it." Anvi said showing her room key. 

"24th floor like always." Tom sighed. 

"That floor is the love of my life." Anvi dramatically said. 

"Totally." Tom said. 

"So team, you all have your room keys, I believe." Ben Stokes said. 

"Yes we do." all replied. 

"And Anvi, I hope you have not forgotten anything in the team bus?" Stokes said and Anvi rolled her eyes. 

"I do not forget stuff always Ben." Anvi sighed. 

"Yes, only every time we get down the bus." Tom said and all laughed. 

"Okay jokes apart, you all can go to your rooms and get freshened up and we will meet here at 9 for dinner." Stokes announced. 

"Mahn its already 7, only 2 hours?" Anvi sighed. 

"Yes, Anvi 2 hours only." Stokes said and they all were of to their rooms. 


I finally reached my room after bidding everyone a good bye, I dont know why I wished them a good bye, we are like meeting in another 2 hours but whatever. 

"So, come by 9 for dinner." Tom said, Tom Banton is my really good friend in the team, he was the first one to make me feel welcomed the moment I entered the team, he knows me well except a few parts of my life that I have not shared with many. 

"Ya, Tom chill I will be there and if I am not you will come to call me." I said. 

"No, this time I will not call you, miss dinner." she said. 

"No I will come okay just text or else I will forget." I said. 

"Okay ma'am but next time I wont even text." he warned. 

"Okay sir, so which room?" I asked him. 

"2401" he replied. 

"Great so I am going to be disturbed at 6 in the morning again." I sighed dramatically. 

"Looks like your room is just next to mines then yes." he said. 

"Uhhh okay. Anyways bye see ya at 9." I said and entered my room. 

Hotel rooms are my second home after becoming a sports psychologist for team England, even though I have my own home here in London, when I am with the team I prefer staying in a hotel since we are always travelling.. I have always wanted to become a psychologist and here I am living my dream, well not exactly but somewhat. 

As soon as I entered my room, I kicked off my shoes, kept aside my suitcase and bag and lay down on the bed, where I experience utmost comfort. I then went into the bathroom and had a quick shower and changed into a pair of shorts and a loose t shirt, so I can feel comfy. 

I then picked up my bag, took my laptop and a few notes out and dived myself into my work. I was never so workaholic but then things shaped up in a way that I found peace only in my work. 

I was so lost in my work that I did not realize that it is already 9 until Tom texted. 

Tom - Dude 9 already. 

Anvi - Thanks for the remainder:))

Tom - I knew you wouldnt remember 😂🤣🤣

Anvi - Why the hell are you laughing for that?

Tom - Cause you are a mess. 

Anvi - what an amazing compliment, I am honored

Tom - I know, now come down or die hungry.

Anvi - I rather come down, just a second, I will be there. 

I quickly texted him and slammed my laptop down and got off the bed. I checked my hair which looked pretty decent so I wore my slides and grabbed my phone and wallet just in case and headed down. 

While going to the reception, I got a call and it was Rishu's so I stood in a corner and picked it up. 

"Hey Rishu." I said. 

"Hey di wassup?" she asked. 

"Nothing just going for dinner." I said and continued walking. 

"I just had dinner." she said. 

"So how is the course shaping up for you?" I asked her. 

"Great di, fashion designing is love for me and Paris is just the right place, All thanks to you di." she said and I smiled. 

"No Rish, it was your passion and I just helped you reach the right place." I said. 

"Ya and that included convincing mumma and daddy." she said. 

"Anything for you Rish." I said. 

"Aww thank you di." she said. 

"But I support you but that does not mean you come back home late and party and all that bull shit okay, I want you to be safe." I instructed. 

"Yes di chill." she said and I saw to kids of about 4 or 5 years of age run around for something and their cuteness made me smile widely but suddenly they got hit by a lady on her phone and oops it looks like they are in a fix. 

"Rish I will call you back." I said and hung up. 

I moved closer to those kids and heard that lady whose back was facing me shout, "Are you both gone mad? See what you have done to my dress." she said meanly. 

"Sorry aunty." they replied. 

"What sorry? Ha? Will that make my dress okay? You know how expensive it is?" she shouted, woah now this is getting to much and I had to intervene. 

"Chillax, they are just kids it happens." I calmly said, standing behind her and she turned around. I was left shocked. 


Hello!! I am back with another chapter!!

Here is the big leap!!


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See you until next time...


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