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Iya and Abhishek went to the hotel quickly leaving Shubman and Anvi at the club. They quickly entered the room and Iya removed her laptop and inserted the chip for data transfer. 

"How much time will it take?" Abhishek impatiently asked. 

"Have patience, I had to copy down all the data, so the transfer will take time." Iya said. 

"Then lets spend the time productively." he said with a smirk. 

"Abhay, tujhe aur kuch nahi sujta?" Iya asked. 

"All that flirting turned me on." he said, coming closer. 

"Oh so that Rinda turned you on?" Iya asked. 

"No babes, it was you who  was seeing at all times." Abhishek quickly said. 

"Acha?" she asked. 

"Ya, I was praying at all times ki yeh ladki mera rape na karde." he said and Iya burst out laughing. 


Meanwhile in the club Anvi finally got tired dancing. 

"Tom, I am done mahn." she sighed. 

"You are done? What happened to the lets party till we drop dead?" he asked. 

"Who will do my last rites here then? I am not dying so soon." Anvi joked. 

"Too bad, I will have to bear you for longer time." Tom said and they got down the dance floor. 

"Too bad for you, I am going to enjoy troubling you." Anvi said. 

Anvi was looking for Iya and Abhishek but couldnt find them so she asked Tom, "Did you see Iya and Abhishke anywhere?" 

"Nah, but Shubman's there lets ask him." Tom said and he dragged Anvi to Shubman forcefully. 

"Hey, did you see Abhishek and Iya?" Tom asked. 

Shubman did not pay any attention, he was busy drinking. 

"Did you see Abhay and Iya?" Anvi asked loudly. 

"What? No what is your problem?" he asked rudely. 

"You know what is your problem? You do not get one thing right, I said do not drink but you need to. And where is your girl friend Suhana now? left you?" she asked and threw his drink away. 

"Why do you care let me drink. ts my life." he said. 

"Calm down mate, she is right. We have matches left, dont drink, you are already in a bad condition." Tom said. 

"I am not going to get controlled by her." he said. 

"You know what your other problem is? You do not value those who care for you. Go to hell and suffer." Anvi said angrily and was about to leave but seeing him in this state she thought that she couldnt leave him here. 

"Check how much he has drunk." she told Tom, who asked the bartender about it. 

"He has drank way too much, he took back to back tequila shots and vodka and what not." Tom said and Anvi nodded disapprovingly. 

"We cant leave him here." Anvi said and Tom agreed. 

"What should we do?" Tom asked. 

"Lets drop him back to the hotel." Anvi said. 

"I am not coming anywhere with you." Shubman said. 

"Not like I am interested to take you anywhere." Anvi snapped and tried making him stand. 

I WILL ALWAYS BE THERE FOR YOU (COMPLETED)✔️Where stories live. Discover now