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Anvi just left the stadium, after that. She did not wait for anyone or anything, she just took her bag and ran, her house was only about kilometre away from the stadium, she ran back to her house without giving a damn about anything. 

Meanwhile in the stadium Iya was getting tensed because she had seen Anvi run out and she had also tried calling out for her and now she was not picking any calls up. 

"Hey Tom, congrats." Iya said seeing Tom. 

"Hey Iya, thanks. Did you see Anvi?" Tom asked. 

"Yes, I saw her going out but I dont know why. I was going to ask you if you know why she left." Iya said.

"Maybe she went home, dunno. I asked her to stay for the celebrations." Tom said. 

"Maybe something came up." Iya said. 

"Iya, I was searching for you." Abhishek said coming towards her.

"Oh ya, I  was asking Tom whether he knows why Anvi left." Iya said. 

"Hey Tom, congrats mate, your were on fire today." Abhishek said. 

"Thanks a lot, even you guys played amazing, it was almost impossible for us to win today." Tom said. 

"Thanks, we need to go for something urgent." Abhishek said. 

"Ya no problem, bye." Tom said and he left. 

"What happened to Anvi?" Abhishek asked. 

"I dont know she left the stadium running, I tried calling her but no response." Iya said. 

"Oh, talk to her tomorrow. Right now you need to go to Suhana" Abhishek said. 

"Oh ya, I forgot." Iya said. 

"Come, bhai is waiting for you." Abhishek said and they went to Rohit, Virat and MSD 

"Are you ready?" Virat asked in a serious tone.

"Yes bhai, dont scare me by asking like that." Iya said. 

"He is just dramatizing, ignore." MSD said. 

"No this is exactly how you need to ask, it is a very serious mission okay." Rohit said. 

"Leave them, see keep your phone on recording mode at all time, we will be outside only and we will also record but still just in case." MSD said. 

"Yes bhai, I will get her into the trap and I will record." Iya said. 

"Okay then that is the spare room we found, get her here and do everything we told you to here only." MSD instructed. 

"Aye Aye coach" Iya said and saluted. 

"Go then she is coming, we are hiding." Abhishek said and all of then hid themselves. 

"Hey Suhana" Iya said when she saw Suhana coming and pushed her into the room. 

"What the f*ck?" Suhana screamed as she got pushed into the room. 

"Hey Suhana" Iya repeated and switched the lights on.

"Iya?" Suhana asked. 

"Yes darling, Iya" Iya said. 

"What do you want?" Suhana scoffed. 

"I dont need money like Rinda, chill" Iya said. 

"What?" Suhana asked, shocked. 

"Rinda, you dont know her?" Iya slyly asked. 

"How do you know her?" Suhana asked. 

"Oh, so  you dont know." Iya said. 

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