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"Iya my mind is not running right now." Abhishek said. 

"Neither is mine, we need expert advice." Iya said. 

"Iya you are a genius." he said and jumped. 

"What?" Iya asked. 

"You are a genius, we need expert advice." Abhishek jumped. 

"Ya so, not like we can tell this shit to anyone yet." Iya said. 

"We can, we can tell Cheeku bhai about it" Abhishek said. 

"Ya, we can. Why did I not think of this? He will help, he loves Anvi as his younger sister only" Iya said. 

"I know I know, I am smart." Abhishek said and patted himself. 

"Bas ab zyada drama mat kar and go call bhai." Iya said. 

"Ya wait, let me wear my t shirt atleast or girls will die." Abhishek said and earned a pillow on him. 

"Itne bhi hot nahi ho, take this, wear it and go get bhai." Iya said and threw his t shirt on him. 

"Really? I am not that hot?" he said going towards her. 

"Abhishek Sharma go get bhai." Iya yelled and Abhishek ran out of the room. 

When he was going towards Virat's room he saw Shubman coming from somewhere. 

"Where were you?" Abhishek asked, looking at him, wh was still in last night's clothes. 

"Anvi's house." Shubman said. 

"Why?" Abhishek asked. 

"I was drunk last night." Shubman said. 

"What? But when we left you were fine and you never drink during a series."Abhishek exclaimed. 

"I dont know what got over me yesterday, anyways I am going to the room, my head is paining." Shubman said and started walking. 

"Wait I will come to help you." Abhishek offered. 

"No I want to stay alone you go." Shubman said and walked away, what Anvi said still rang in his head. 

"So Anvi took him to her house because he was drunk? She still cares for him." he mumbled and smiled. 

He rang the bell of Virat's room and he opened the door. To his surprise Rohit and MSD were also there only. 

"Good morning, is this some team meeting?" I asked. 

"No no, I wanted to discuss something with Mahi bhai and Ro so I called them." he said and let me in. 

"I wanted to talk to you bhai but since all three of you are here." Abhishek was going to say something but he got intrupted by Rohit who said, "Ek se b hale teen." 

"Ek se bhale do hota hai." Virat said. 

"Par hum teen hai." Rohit said. 

"Stop arguing you to. Abhay speak." MSD said. 

"I need to show something to you guys, come to my room, it is regarding Shubh and Anvi." he said. 

"About Shubh and Anvi?" Virat asked. 

"Yes come fast." Abhishek said and lead them to his group. 

"Then lets go fast." Rohit agreed

He rang his door bell and Iya opened the door, even she was ready by now. 

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