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Anvi successfully ignored Shubman for the whole day yesterday, and today almost for more than half the day. It was around six in the evening already and the boys were done with their practice.

"Anvi, we are done come." Tom said coming up  to the stands. 

"Ya just a second." Anvi said and she continued typing something on the laptop. 

"Come on we are done for the day." Tom whined and shut her laptop down. 

"What the hell mahn?" Anvi asked annoyed. 

"What the hell mahn?" Tom imitated Avni. 

"You are annoying me." Anvi said. 

"Come one we are done for the day and we are leaving pack up." Tom said and Anvi sighed. 

"Should I pack your bag for you now?" Tom asked. 

"Yes please." Anvi said and got up. 

"I am not your servant do it on your own." Tom said. 

"You only gave the offer now pack." Anvi said and started walking. Tom put her laptop in her bag along with her book and pens and run behind her. 

"Now hold." Tom said. 

"You actually packed the bag. What do you want?" Anvi laughed. 

Shubman was seeing all of this and felt that if she is happy with him then he should not interfere. Seeing Anvi laugh along with him made his heart pang but he could not do anything. 

"Anvi I need to talk to you." Tom said. 

"Ya then talk. Did I zip your mouth?" Anvi asked and Tom made a 'not funny' face. 

"Come to my room after some time I will tell you. And we might go out do change if you want to." Tom said. 

"Okay, I will keep my laptop and all at home, change and then I will come." Anvi said and Tom nodded and went to the hotel and Anvi went home. 

She changed into her comfort zone, her denims. She then left for the hotel. 

She went directly to Tom's room and rang the bell and he opened the door. 

"Heyyyyyy, come." he said. 

"Hey, we just met ten minutes ago but whatever." Anvi said while entering. 

"Hey bro." Tom said and Anvi turned to see Shubman standing. 

"Hey." Shubman said and looked at Tom and then Anvi. 

"Hey baby, I was waiting for you." Suhana said coming out of the opposite room, she was looking sensuous. 

"Hey I was coming to you only babes." he said and hugged Suhana. 

"See you later mate." Tom said awkwardly, looking at the PDA in front of him. 

"See you later." Shubman said and closed the door. 

He thought that he will be making Anvi jealous through this but he did forget that Anvi barely felt jealous for him because she knew that Shubman could not fall for any random girl, and right now she was feeling disgusted.  

"Ya so tell me what you wanted to." Anvi said avoiding what happened in front of her. 

"Ya sooooo" Tom said dragging the o. 

"Sooooooo?" Anvi asked. 

"I am planning to propose Marissa." he said. 

"Are you serious?" Anvi asked.

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