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It was morning already and Anvi was woken up by the most irritating thing in the world according to her, bell. She opened the door and saw Tom. 

"Good morning." Anvi said. 

"Good morning, are you sick or something?" he asked. 

"No why?" she asked him. 

"You did not shut the door on my face." he said and Anvi laughed. 

"Ya cause my sister is her and I am in a really good mood." she said with a smile. 

"Thats great, I need to ask her to keep visiting, so the door is not shut on my face every morning." he laughed.

Meanwhile, Shubman came out of his room and saw Anvi and Tom both laughing, both of them saw him. 

"Good morning Shubman." Tom wished. 

"Good morning Tom." Shubman said and looked at Anvi. 

"Good morning" Anvi wished and this shocked Shubman cause she was really angry at him yesterday, but Anvi was just in a good mood and did not want to spoil it so she just wished and she did not want any questions from Tom. 

"Good morning Vi." Shubman wished with a smile. 

"Its Anvi." Anvi said firmly and Shubman nodded and left, he knew that he does not have the right to call her Vi any more and it was his fault. 

"I wanted to talk to you." Tom said. 

"Ya come in tell." Anvi said and Tom entered the room. 

"So ya, tell me whats the matter." Anvi said. 

"I actually like Marissa." Tom confessed. 

"Seriously, I knew it." Anvi said and jumped. 

"How did you know?" Tom asked. 

"It was so obvious, the way you look at her shows pure love." Anvi said. 

"Can you help me out?" Tom asked. 

"Ya, I literally ship you guys and trust me, I am the best cupid in town." Anvi said in an excited manner. 

"I know that and you are also my bestie in the team so I expect help." Tom demanded. 

"Ya, I am on it, lets do this mission Marissa." Anvi said. 

"Dude, you get so excited when it comes to others coming together, but do something about yourself too, or do you already have someone?" Tom asked. 

"No one is there and will ever be," Anvi said. 

"Why?" Tom asked. 

"My first ended of pretty bad and I no more trust in these relationships anymore, but when I see Iya and Abhay who have sustained their relationship since the past so many years I feel that love exists." Anvi said. 

"Its does Anvi its just that you have lost your trust in it, even you will have someone." Tom said and hugged Anvi. 

"Now you made me emotional." Anvi dramatized but within she knew that she loved only one who broke her trust and now maybe she just doesnt trust love. 

"I will go now, you come after getting ready. " Tom said and he left. 


Vi wished me good morning when I came out of my room, it was like the first time she talked to me in a normal way. I felt so good but when I called her Vi, her face stiffened again. 

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