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Anvi was dancing with Tom, Iya and Abhishek on the overly crowded dance floor. She was enjoying her time and was havinf a lot of fu because after a really long time, she was out with Iya, like this. She saw Tom getting out of the dance floor and she knew where he would go so she went behind him. 

"One round of shots please." Tom screamed because of the really loud music. 

"Cancel that." Anvi said to the bartender. 

"Anvi please." Tom begged. 

"No Tom, the series is not over yet and you have a practice session tomorrow and shots are too much, you will have a hangover tomorrow." Anvi ordered. 

"I promise, I wont have a hangover" Tom said. 

"Let him drink, stop controlling him." they heard a voice and it was Shubman who was sitting behind Anvi. 

"Excuse me, you have no rights to intervene." Anvi strictly said, she was just annoyed, 

"Tom." Anvi said looking at Tom and gave him a pointing look. 

"Okay, only if we party hard after the series." Tom said. 

"Obviously we will, but no drinks today." Anvi said. 

"Then I dont mind, only a week more." Tom said. 

Anvi then turned to Shubhman who was having a drink, this shocked her because Shubhman barely ever drank, especially when there is a series coming up. She took his glass away and said, "Neither are you drinking mister." 

"Who are you to tell me anything." Shubman said. 

"I am a human,and I am showing humanity. You cannot drink, even you have two more matches left for the series to get over." Anvi said.

"Thanks for imforming and my drink." Shubman said and went to snatch his drink from her hand. She just took her hand behind and threw the drink and banged the glass in front of him. 

"Here you go." Anvi said. 

"How dare you talk like that to my boy friend?" it was Suhana. 

"I wasnt talking to him, I was just showing humanity." Anvi snapped. 

"Shubhi baby, you wanna drink? Let me get you one." Suhana said and came closer to Shubman 

"Dig your own grave." Anvi sighed and moved to the dance floor knowing that she cannot do anything. 

"Take Shubhi." Suhana said giving Shubman a drink which he threw. 

Seeing Anvi and Tom dance together boiled his blood, he dragged Suhana along to the dance floor and stood right next to Anvi and started dancing with Suhana. Suhana being a b*tch she is, stuck close to Shubman like anything while dancing. 

Anvi could see everything, every single thing. She could not understand what he was trying to prove to her. The fact that he has a hot, sizzling, ravishing girl friend which according to her is a b*tch and a sl*t and what not worse.  

She tried ignoring him completely and giving him a blind eye but when someone you love is right next to you with another woman, it hurts. Especially when you know that it was that oman who ruined things for you. 

"Tom." Anvi screamed. 

"Yeah what happened?" Tom asked. 

"Can we go there, it is too crowded here." Anvi said. 

"Yeah no probs, wherever you are comfortable." Tom said.

"Stop  acting like a gentle man." Anvi laughed. 

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