10 - Ara's Story

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Little Ara leaned back against the couch.

"A lot happened after this. Fade's mum was sent to a rehabilitation center by the church where Jide is a pastor after they explained what happened to her. She was addicted to drugs and alcohol, and was scared of people because of the bad way Temilade had treated her."

"Let me get this straight. Both my wife and I are drug addicts? And I also beat my wife?" Temilade asked, disbelief etched on his face.

A sheepish smile sprang to Ara's face. "It's all part of the story. I know you're both not like that in real life."

"At least you weren't a wimpy king, and your mother a tyrant." Jide pointed out, and Tooni glanced down at his feet, finding them interesting.

"Cut the children some slack, will you?" Nifemi and Doyin scolded their husbands.

"What happened after this?" Fade asked.

Ara smiled at him, grateful for his enthusiasm to listen to her story. "Fade and Ara continued with their classes while Sewa was enrolled into kindergarten class. Fade always called his Mum to know how her treatment was going. To his delight, she was getting better and the doctor who treated her was a Christian. He always spoke to her about Jesus. At times, Sewa also babbled into the phone to greet her mother, bringing tears to Doyin's eyes whenever she heard her baby girl speak.

"Tooni returned back to school, but before he left he bought a phone for Fade, since he always used their parents' phone to speak to his mum. With time, Fade learnt that his Mum had given her life to Christ, and her health was improving even more than before. His heart was gladdened with these news.

"Fade and Ara got even closer than before, and then..."


"Bye Tooni. I love you. Read well, rest well and eat well." Ara said into the phone, a bright smile on her face.

"Thank you. Love you too." Tooni said before ending the call.

Ara sighed, missing her brother already. At least he'll be home for the holidays. Which would be in about four months time.

Yep, not far at all.

She picked up the ilarun that she was using to loosen her patewo hairstyle before her brother called, continuing from where she stopped.

<<Ilarun is a three mouthed comb made of wood or plastic with sharp teeth and a part where you can grip it. It is used for loosening hairdos. Patewo is a form of cornrows hairstyle. It is plaited from one end of the scalp to the middle on both sides, such that eventually the plaited hair meet in the middle from top to bottom>>


She looked up, and a grin broke out on her face when she saw Fade descending the stairs, an apple in his hand.

He looked good. As always.

Dressed in skinny jeans and a plain black t-shirt, she couldn't help but admire him as he walked towards her, biting down on the apple.

"Ara? Ara?"


She blinked and brought herself back to reality.


He shook his head, amusement evident all over his face.

"What were you thinking about? Or is it who?" He asked, his eyes glinting with mischievousness.

She shifted on the couch and cleared her throat. "Have you spoken to your Mum?"

He grinned and perched on the arm of the couch she was sitting on.

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