8 - Fade's Story

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Fade beamed, glad to have the attention of everyone. "The days passed by, and Friday soon rolled around. Just like how they've been doing for the past few days, the four agents followed Ara to school.

"At school, Ara got invited to a party that would be taking place that night, but she kept it a secret from Fade and the rest because she knew they would never allow her to go. Or worse still, they would follow her and ruin her chances of having fun.

"After school, Ara retreated to her room and spent the remaining part of the day thinking of how to make her escape. When she finally came up with a plan, she grinned and rubbed her hands together. It wasn't a foolproof plan, but at least it would be able to get her far away from the house without the agents noticing.

"And truly, they didn't notice till she was gone."


"Agent 7!" Anike burst into his room.

He swivelled around, tearing his gaze from the computer at his desk.


"It's Ara. She's...She's gone!"

"What?!" He shot to his feet. "What do you mean by 'gone'?"

Anike shot him a look. "What do you think it means?"

"No time for sass here, Anike." He said, ignoring the look she gave him for calling her by her name.

He raced to Ara's room, with Anike following behind. On entering, his eyes scanned her room before landing on the open window, the wind making the curtains flap in the air.

Fade went over and looked at the window, seeing the rope that hung from it. Just as he thought. She'd escaped through the window.

On Tuesday, when she'd asked him to get her a cup of water and some biscuits, after handing them over to her he had looked out the window and noticed how easy it would be for a person to get out from here.

At school today, he'd heard students whispering to each other about a party happening tonight and he could bet a hundred percent that's where Ara snuck off to.

"Tell Dipo to get her location." He ordered Anike.

"We're going for a party."


It wasn't hard finding Ara, since there was a tracker in her phone that Dipo had installed the day they got there.

Dami pulled up in front of the large house that was filled to the brim with secondary school students. Some were on the lawn drunk, while some had passed out. Others were involved in couple stuff, and yet some kept to themselves as if unsure of why they came here in the first place.

Fade and the others pushed through the throng of sweaty bodies and drunk kids, the music blaring through the speakers hitting them right in the ear.

"Where's she right now?" Fade yelled, so as to be able to be heard.

"Follow me." Dipo motioned to them, leading the way.

He led them out to the backyard, where a fewer number of people lounged around, sipping drinks or laughing with one another.

"She's supposed to be right here." Dipo muttered.

"Did you lose her?" Dami folded her arms and raised an eyebrow.

"No! No, I didn't. Okay? According to the tracker, she's supposed to be here. So unless she dropped her phone here and then went off somewhere, she's still here."

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