3 - Tooni's Story

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Ara laid unconscious for nine days.

Sewa never left her bedside while Fade always came to check on her several times during the day. At night he laid a cloth on the floor which he and Sewa slept on, since Ara was on his bed.

He didn't mind this though, and he was glad when Dami said she was starting to heal. The first seven days had been horrific.

Her temperature kept skyrocketing and she kept tossing and turning in bed.

At one time she started jerking in bed, her eyes still shut and her fever raging. He had rushed to pin her down by her arms while Dami forced her mouth open to spoon in medicine.

Her skin was pasty, and she looked lifeless. However, she wasn't vomiting anymore and with time her body began to repair itself.

But Fade knew that her body would still want to eject the poisonous substance before it can heal completely.

At times he'd stare at her, wondering why God brought her into his ship. Could it be that she was an answer to Sewa's prayers? Or was it something more?

Two more days passed, making it eleven days that she had been unconscious.

Fade worked the whole day, and after checking in on her and Sewa at night to make sure everything was alright, he'd make his way to the main deck.

That was the same thing he did today. Now at the main deck, he rested his arms on the railing and he gazed up at the night sky, watching in awe as the stars twinkled one after the other. The sight never seized to amaze him.

There was a God who made all these, who was so powerful and great and yet who still looked upon him with love and mercy.

"Prince Fade?"

He tore his gaze from the sky and looked at Anike who stood a few feet from him.


She moved closer, her fingertips trailing the edge of the ship as she held his gaze.

Anike was stunning.

There was really no other way to put it. She had black hair that framed her oval face. Her eyes sparkled whenever she laughed, giving way to a pointed nose that sat atop bow shaped lips.

Her skin glowed like polished bronze and she sported a figure that boasted curves in the right places.

To many it seemed as if God took His time while creating her.

Her fingers rose and began to trail his body, starting from his hands that rested on the ship to his arms and then his chest. When she got there, he caught her hand and pushed it away.

"What do you think you're doing?"

"I'm claiming you, Your Highness."

Her voice came out breathy and she placed her hand on his arm.

Fade sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose.

He was tired.

Tired of having this conversation over and over again with her. Tired that everytime she never got the explanation. Tired that she was always following him around even after he'd told her he wasn't interested in her.

"I'm not yours to claim." He removed her hand and let it drop at her side.

She laughed, throwing her head back with poise and dignity. "You are mine, Prince Fade. Everyone can see that, including you. You're simply playing hard to get. But you know what?"

He waited with bated breath as she stepped closer to him and whispered, "I love it. It just makes me want you all the more."

She withdrew, and then blew him a kiss before sashaying off into the darkness.

Fade sighed once again. What would he do with her?

She was a childhood friend, a daughter to one of the nobles that were part of his father's court. He couldn't just discard her like a pesky fly, since her father was a very important person and had the ability to influence people against his father.

All these years he never responded to her flirting because he believed it would fade away, but now he was at a loss of what to do since it seemed the crush she had on him was getting stronger as each day passes.

He looked up at the sky again, but this time he didn't notice the twinkling stars or the moon that seemed to be smiling down at him.

Sighing for the umpteenth time, he pulled away from the railing and began to make his way to him. But he halted in his steps as his eyes took in the sight before him.


Her eyes snapped up to meet his and she moved in his direction, swaying on her feet.

Fade leaped forward to help her, catching her in his arms just in time before she tumbled to the floor.

He wrapped his arms round her, taking note of how small she was against him.

"What are you doing here? You shouldn't be outside. When did you wake up? How are you feeling? Do Sewa and Dami know that you're awake?"

Ara attempted a smile, but it hurt to even do that. Raising her hand, she pressed her finger to his lips to silence him.

"I wanted fresh air. I woke up some hours back. I feel... sick. Sewa does not know I'm awake. Who's Dami?"

"She's the healer who has been tending to you since you lost consciousness. Where is Sewa?"

He kept his voice low, mirroring hers. Their eyes locked but she averted her gaze, his own too intense for her to behold.

"She's asleep. I put her on the bed."

"In this weak state of yours?" He asked, trying to look her over to see if she had sustained any injuries.

"She's a small girl. It's not hard carrying her."

"True. It's not going to be hard carrying you too, considering how small you are."

True to his words, when he lifted her up into his arms, she felt so light it seemed like he wasn't carrying a twenty year old woman.

Fade grunted. Just who exactly is she, and what is her story?

Ara blushed in embarrassment, mistaking his grunt for one of effort from carrying her.

She squirmed in his arms, trying to get down. "I know it's not easy for you. Just drop me and I'll walk. Please."

"It's not hard for me.  Don't worry, we are almost there."


"My cabin." He said as he used his leg to open the door, before letting it swing shut after he'd entered.

After placing her on the bed beside Sewa, he adjusted the covers over them.

"I'll be right back." He said as he made his way towards the door.

"Where are you going?" Her voice trembled, as if this wouldn't be the first time someone promised to return but never did.

He stopped and looked back at her, hoping his voice carried the reassurance he wanted her to feel.

"To call the healer, Dami."


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