17 - Fade's Story

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One Year Later.

"Even if you remember nothing else, what shouldn't you ever forget?"

"Never be defeated!"

"What?" Ara asked, pretending not to hear the class of agents she was teaching despite how loud they shouted.

"Never be defeated!"

"I can't hear you."

"Never be defeated!" Their voices mixed together and formed a deafening chorus. At this Ara smiled and placed her hands on her waist.

"Good. Always remember that, and even in the face of death you'll find the courage to fight on."

They stood with their hands behind their backs, their legs wide apart and their chests pumped out.

"Class dismissed."

All of them gave sharp nods, then fell out of position, relief dancing in their eyes as they picked up their bags and left the training room.

Ara brought out a bottle from her bag and gulped the water. The cold water cooled her, and she wiped the few drops that trickled down her chin before stuffing it back into her bag.

Sliding down to the ground, she drew up one knee and rested her hand on it before letting out a sigh. Her eyes rested on the ceiling as the thought of what today symbolized.

Today marked the 365th day that Fade was gone.

She wiped the sweat off her forehead and wrapped her arms round herself, a chill running through her. Tears flooded her eyes, but she blinked them back.

Just then, the door opened and an agent popped his head in.

"Agent 3?"

She glanced over at him.

"The head of the agency says you should see him now."

She nodded and waved her hand to dismiss him, then continued gazing at the ceiling. Another sigh escaped her lips.

"Why did you go and leave me alone? I mean I still have Tooni, Anike and your family. But it's not the same without you. It has never been."

Silence greeted her, and she shut her eyes, letting the tears slide down the her face. A few moments later, she wiped her tears, rose to her feet and shrugged on her jacket.

Then she made her way to Temilade's office where she was ushered in by the secretary.

"You sent for me, Sir." She stood with her hands clasped her back.

He looked up from his laptop and gestured to a seat. "Please."

She nodded, but remained standing. "Thank you, Sir."

He rubbed his face, looking older than his age. The lines round his eyes crinkled, and the grey in his hair stood out in contrast to the black.

"I need you to meet a client of mine at Mr Biggs by 8pm. You're to deliver this parcel to her." He placed a brown envelope on the table and slid it over to her. She took it and stared down at it.

"Who's the client Sir?"

"When you get there, you'll see her."

She nodded and stepped out of his office, moving the parcel from one hand to another as she walked back to her desk.

The day went by in a blur, and soon it was 8pm. She left the agency, hailed a cab and instructed it to go to Mr Biggs.

The streetlights shone and illuminated the roads, letting her see the people that littered around enjoying the night life. Men and women of easy virtue smooched one another behind poles, while some others puffed away on cigarette sticks stuck between their fingers.

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