6 - Fade's Story

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"Tell me, Fade. Why exactly are we doing this again?"

Fade pinched the bridge of his nose in exasperation. "I've mentioned it to you already, Dipo. This would be like the fifteenth time you would be asking me."

"Well, I'm sorry. I just need to hear it multiple times to motivate myself."

Fade sighed.

"Fine. We are following Ara to school because we have to watch over her there too. We can't allow her to go to school all by herself now that we're here."

Fade too wasn't thrilled about the idea of going to school and attending classes, especially since it was secondary school and the four of them had to wear school uniforms.

Fade wasn't even surprised when he was informed that the First lady had gotten uniforms for them beforehand. They had no choice but to put them on. The uniform for the girls was a white shirt with a navy green skirt and navy green jacket. They paired it off with white socks and black shoes.

The guys wore a white shirt with navy green trousers, jacket and tie. They paired it off with white socks and black shoes.

Dipo grumbled the whole time and even Anike looked displeased, but Dami had been excited, terming it as an adventure.

In the end, all of them had no choice but to dress up and enter the car that was now taking them closer and closer to Ara's school. After all, that was what they signed up for when they chose to agents.

Anike sat at the front passenger seat, while Ara sat in between Dipo and Fade at the backseat. The car was a sedan, having two backseats instead of one, so Dami sat behind the trio.

Fade turned to look at Dami, seeing that she was on her phone. She had been on typing away on her phone since morning, but then this was something she usually did.

He diverted his attention to Ara who sat beside him, her hands fidgeting with the straps of her school bag.

"Are you okay?" He lowered his voice so as not to draw attention to them.

"Mind your beeswax." She said, not even bothering to glance his way.

At this, Fade fell silent. Seems she didn't want his company. From now on, he would endeavour to keep this strictly professional.

By the time they got to school, first period was over and the second was about to begin. This could only be attributed to Ara who spent extra time in the bathroom and thereafter used one hour to dress up, another one hour to choose whether she would have cereal or toast for breakfast, and then an extra fifteen minutes to walk to the car.

It had taken the entirety of Fade's willpower not to complain about it. On the other hand, Dipo was glad they were late. Now he could make his grand entry the way he always liked.

Anike could care less. Her face remained passive through it all.

Dami kept to her phone, chatting with God-knows-who.

"Where's your class, Miss Okafor?" Fade asked.

Her eyes flitted to the ground. "SS3 block, art class."

"Okay. Can you lead us there?" He asked, taking note of how her fingers kept pulling at the straps of her bag.

"I..." She began, showing signs of nervousness. "I need to use the restroom first."

"Now?" Dipo asked, baffled.

Ara nodded.

"But it's already second period. Won't your teachers scold you for being this late to class?" Anike finally spoke, also finding the situation perplexing.

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