7 - Fade's Story

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Fade watched Ara in the pool from behind the shield of his sunglasses.

She moved through the water, every stroke made with precision. Her movements were fluid, fast at times and slow at other times. Sometimes she will just float, letting the sun bath her with it's golden rays.

Dipo was also swimming, acting as a form of protection for Ara in the pool.

Once again, Fade let his eyes scan the surroundings, trying to see if there was anybody who looked suspicious.

To no one's surprise, Dami had also joined Ara in the pool and even went ahead to swim a few laps, although she was now talking to the lifeguard.

Anike was seated close to him, but she didn't say a word. Instead, she also fixed her eyes on Ara.

On the other hand, Ara felt very uncomfortable. Even though she had tried reasoning with her mother that four agents were a little too much for her, Kelechi had refused to listen.

They watched her every move and made her feel caged. Even now as she swam she could feel their gazes burning into her.

Nevertheless, she'd made up her mind to have as much fun as possible.

She waved to Anike who gave a little wave back. Then she swam a little bit more before moving towards the steps so as to get out of the pool. But as she began to do so, someone swam up behind her and latched unto her foot underwater.

Ara laughed, rolling her eyes. Although she didn't have any close friends at the pool, there were some regulars here that she considered as acquaintances. At times they played pranks on each other like pushing one another into the pool, or holding unto someone's leg while they swam, or hiding the person's clothes while they changed.

All these were pretty harmless, and no one ever went too far with them. Which was why when she felt someone tug on her foot, she laughed, rolled her eyes and attempted to swim away.

But instead of letting her go, the person held her all the more and began to drag her down.

A bit alarmed, Ara shook her leg to try to set herself free, but the person's grip was vice-like. She tried getting Dami and Dipo's attention, but they were sitting at the edge of the pool in a discussion with the life guard.

She looked at Anike, only to find her seat empty and on looking around she saw her walking towards the changing rooms. Finally, she looked at Fade who wasn't glancing in her direction at that moment.

Her heart hammered in her chest as she remembered she was at the deepest side of the pool. Ara tried once again to swim away, but her efforts were in vain as she began to sink.

For the last time, she glanced around for help and this time caught Fade's eye.

She flailed her arms to signify that she needed his assistance, but this made her to loose her sustenance since she has been using her hands and her one free leg to keep herself afloat.

She got pulled down again, water rushing into her mouth. An object slammed against her head and her body grew limp.

She lost consciousness even before reaching the blue tiles of the pool.


Fade paced the length of the hospital's VIP room, certain that he would wear out the carpet before the day runs out.

What had he been thinking when he'd allowed her to go swimming? He should have been more cautious, more on his guard.

Now she was hurt, and he couldn't help but blame himself.

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