2 - Fade's Story

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A year later.

"Agent 7, please report to the main office now."

Fade was teaching a class, his face one of concentration as he showed his students how to run a few steps on the wall before doing a spinning kick in the air and then landing back on your feet.

He had been teaching the new recruits since last week, and to say it was difficult would be an understatement. But since this was something he did ever since he became a senior agent, he was already used to it.

Upon hearing his name being blared through the speakers that were positioned in every training room, he looked up.

"Agent 7, please report to the main office." The automated voice blared once again.

Fade ran his hand through his hair. What now?

His students were staring at him, so he dismissed the class. A smile tugged at his lips as he heard whoops of joy emanate from them on his way out.

"I hope this is not another rescue mission?" He asked his Dad as he flopped down on a chair after reaching the office.

His father peered at him over his glasses, knowing that his son was referring to the incident that happened a year ago. "You tried your best, Fade. Don't beat yourself over it."

Fade remained silent, although he knew he didn't try his best. He could have done something in a different way, or gone about it in a better manner instead of how he made attempts to crack jokes.

On noticing how his son's face fell at the mention of the year old incident, Temilade decided to change the subject.

"This is a new mission. The adopted daughter of President Kenneth Okpara recently experienced some form of attack."

At Fade's questioning gaze, his father explained.

"Two days ago, she was on her way to school when some people threw eggs and flour at her car. When she got down to speak to them, they slashed her tires and dumped spoilt milk over her head. As a result, President Kenneth requested for protection for his daughter, and who other than my favourite agent to get the job done?"

"Dad." Fade laughed, the tension from earlier having dissipated. Of course he would be his Dad's favourite agent, after all he was his son.

"Although, this time you won't be going alone." Temilade broke into his thoughts.

At this Fade sat up and stared at his Dad in bewilderment. "What? Why?"

"I know, I know, you're a solo agent and all that." Temilade waved his hand through the air. "But this time, you'll be going with three others."

"Three?" Fade spluttered. "Dad, you know I'm able to handle this alone."

"Yes, I know. But you will need backup on this one, trust me. Don't forget it's the President's daughter we're talking about here."

Fade leaned back against the seat with a sigh and tapped his finger against the armrest. "Who are those going with me then?"

Temilade smiled.

"You'll be happy to hear this. Agent 34, Agent 49 and Agent 62."

"Agent 34?"

"Yes. Bet you're happy your girlfriend is going with you."

"I won't be able to concentrate if she's around." Fade grumbled, although he was happy she was coming along. Usually, they were always sent out to different places and he never had the opportunity of working with her. But now that they were working together...

Fade shook his head to clear his thoughts and tried paying attention to what his Dad was saying.

"I'm calling them in now." Temilade informed Fade who nodded.

"Siri, call Agents 34, 49 and 62." Temilade informed the Artificial Intelligence.

"Agents 34, 49 and 62, please report to the main office immediately." The computerized voice soon blared through the speakers.

"By the way..." Fade began and his Dad tore his attention from the tablet in front of him and gazed at Fade.


"Who's Agent 62? Or did you bring him back?" He asked, both of them knowing that Agent 62 retired two months ago due to old age and there was no one to replace him yet.

"I didn't. I got someone else to replace him. The new Agent 62 is–"

Just then the door opened and the three Agents filed in.

Fade's eyes first landed on his girlfriend's face and he smiled, thinking about how great it would be to work together with her for several months.

She also smiled back at him and gave a little wave before straightening and looking at the head of the agency.

"You called for us, Sir." Agent 49 said, motioning to himself and the girls.

Fade glanced at Agent 49, before his eyes landed on the newbie. Immediately he drew in a breath.

She was Agent 62?!


Hey guys! Can you guess who Agents 34, 49 and 62 are?

Let the comments start rolling in 🤠

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