1 - Fade's Story

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"Agent 7, your presence is required in the main office. Please report there immediately."

Fade glanced up as the voice of the secretary cackled through the speakers, his brows furrowed.

Why would he be needed right now? The head of the agency was aware that he had a mission, and he had to leave tonight.

"Agent 7, please report to the main office now."

Secretary Pelumi's voice floated through the speakers once more. Fade pushed away from his desk and rose to his feet. After slipping his phone into his pocket, he slung his knapsack over his shoulder and walked down the corridor to the main office.

On getting there, he swiped his card across the key card door lock and then made his way into the spacious office where Secretary Pelumi sat typing away on a keyboard.

"Agent 7." She greeted with a smile.

"Pelumi." He smiled, proceeding to walk past her when he stopped and glanced at her. "Do you know why I'm being summoned?"

She shook her head, not looking up as her fingers flew across the keyboard.

He nodded and swiped his card across the magnetic reader of the lock, before entering the head of agency' office. The man was seated on a chair, his back to Fade while he gazed out the window.

"Take a seat, Agent 7."

"Dad, you don't have to be so formal, you know." Fade said, plopping down on one of the seats in front of the huge mahogany desk.

The man swivelled around and laughed. "I know."

But as soon as it came, his laughter vanished and in its place was a serious look. "I know you're to leave tonight, but I need your help right now."

Fade stayed silent, wondering what his father wanted.

"I just received a report that a girl is standing at the edge of a building wanting to commit suicide, and I need you to hurry down and help in any way you can."

Fade shot up, concern etched on his face. "Won't it be too late before I get there?"

"At least it's worth a try. Hurry! I'll send the directions as you drive down."

Fade wasted no time, dashing out of the office and into the hallways. He exited the building and made his way to his car at the underground parking garage of the Agency's building. After opening it and getting seated, he buckled his seatbelt and drove down to the specified building according to the instructions his father emailed him.

On getting there, his tyres screeched to a halt and he jumped out. He shielded his eyes from the sun and looked, taking note of a girl standing on top of the building. A crowd stood below, their phones up to capture the moment. A number of reporters with their camera crew were also around, filming the scene.

Not minding this, Fade dashed into building and entered the elevator, hitting the button for the fifteenth floor over and over again till the doors closed. He paced inside the elevator, begging it to move faster. When it dinged and the doors opened, he raced up the short flight of stairs to the roof and burst through the door.

As soon as he did, he sighted six people there as they watched the girl on the edge.

"Oh, good. You're here." An older agent let out a relieved sigh, knowing that if anyone could help the girl, it would be Agent 7. "She won't listen to us and says that if anyone comes closer she'll jump."

Fade glanced at the girl who kept swaying on her feet, and he feared that she might topple over all of a sudden. He nodded to the older agent and began to walk towards her.

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