10 - Tooni's Story

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Tooni leaned back against the couch as everyone listened. "After spending three days at sea, Prince Fade and his crew reached the shores of Calabar Kingdom. Fade was friends with the King of Calabar, so they all made their way down to the palace.

"At first, the royal guards refused them entry as a result of their haggard appearance. But just then, a servant who knew the Prince confirmed his identity and they were ushered in to the King's presence.

"King Ekpe greeted them with kindness, giving them rooms to stay in and food to eat.

"He also informed them that his wife, Queen Isua Eno just gave birth to a boy and that several royals had come to pay her a visit. Fade and Ara who were royals just happened to be around at the same time for the celebration of her childbirth that was taking place that night during the annual Calabar festival.

"Fade and his crew all slept in their rooms throughout the day till they were awakened for dinner.

"Queen Isua Eno who had been enjoying bed rest for two weeks would be making an appearance at the dinner table, before the celebration taking place at night.

"Often times, Queens arrived late to events. They always dressed to show the extravagant wealth of their husbands, to communicate the unspoken riches of their kingdom, and to flaunt their unparalleled beauty.

"Queen Isua Eno was no exception."


"It's so good to see you again, Fade." King Ekpe said as a servant filled his goblet with grape wine.

"It's good to see you too, Ekpe. You're already getting rounder at the waist."

King Ekpe threw his head back and let out a hearty laugh, the sound echoing round the room. "All thanks be to the gods."

Fade fell silent. Now might not be the time to tell him that there is only one true God.

"Congratulations once again, my friend. You're now a father." He said instead.

King Ekpe raised his goblet to his lips, took a sip and then dropped it back on the mahogany table. "You have no idea how happy I am. But I'm sure you will soon know."

He sent a knowing glace towards Ara who sat on Fade's right hand side.

Fade didn't have to turn his head to see who his friend was referring to. "What if I tell you she's just a friend?"

"Just a friend? I can tell she's more than that to you. Especially with the secret glances both of you have been giving each other, the way you pulled her chair out for her so that she could sit and how you helped her to cut her suya. Something you've never done for me. Also, let's not forget about the necklace she's wearing which we all know what it means."

<<Suya is a spicy meat skewer which is a popular food item in West Africa. Suya is generally made with skewered beef, ram, or chicken. Innards such as kidney, liver and tripe are also used>>

A smile lit up Fade's face. "I should have remembered that nothing gets past you; O watchful one."

King Ekpe wagged his ringed fingers at the Prince. "To rule a kingdom, you need to have eyes everywhere. And well, a good woman by your side too."

A smile grazed his lips while Fade just stared at him. Then Fade swallowed a spoonful of rice before speaking. "Are you trying to rub it in that I don't have a wife yet?"

"Oh, no. I'm sure it won't be long before you tie the knot."

"Just be–"

"Queen Isua Eno the second has arrived. The mother of our kingdom. The heartthrob of our magnificent King Ekpe Asibong the fourth. When it comes to beauty she has no rival. When it comes to splendour she has no equal.

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