16 - Fade's Story

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Ara hummed and tried counting the trees as the car whizzed past, but Fade's hand in hers kept making her lose concentration.

"Where are we going again? I forgot." His breath caressed her neck as he moved in close.

"Nice try. I'm still not telling."

"Well, it was worth asking." He folded his arms and pouted.

And so Fade kept asking at every turn they took.

"Are we there yet?"


"Have we arrived?"


"Oh wait, don't tell me we are going to Erin Ijesa Waterfall?"

"Geez, no. When we get there, you'll know."

"How about–"


He slunk in his seat while Anike watched them through the rearview mirror, a smile tugging at her lips.

"So cute." She muttered, then her eyes widened and a shudder ran through her body. "Did I just say that? Oh no. They are starting to influence me."

Fade stayed awake all through the journey, his eyes gleaming as his mind conjured all sorts of surprises Ara had planned for him.

Or was she going to propose?

Ara stifled her laughter, knowing that Fade's mind was in an overdrive at the moment.

After driving for several hours, Anike pulled into a driveway and Fade jumped out with a grin so wide it threatened to split his face into two.

Upon spotting his parents also getting out of their car, he glanced back at Ara. "My parents are here?"

A smile tugged at her lips, but she took his hand and walked up to his parents. "Good afternoon Ma and Sir."

"Good afternoon Ara." Temilade said, patting her shoulder.

Doyin pulled her in for a hug. "It's been a while dear."

Fade also greeted his parents before Anike came over and did same. The whole party went up the short flight of stairs to Tooni's house and Ara knocked on the door.

"Who's there?" His voice called from inside.

"It's me."

"Who's me?"


"Oh. What's the password?"

She gritted her teeth and banged on the door. "Open this door, Tooni!"

His cackle was heard by them all. "Not until you sing the password."

Ara looked around and noticed the amused looks on everyone's faces. Knowing Tooni wouldn't budge until she complied with his wishes, she began singing the song they used to sing when they were younger.

"I'm a ladybug. Red and black, orange and blue, however I may be I remain a wiggly wiggly ladybug."

Tooni was mouthing alongside her, a grin lighting up his face. But when she stopped he frowned and called out, "That's not all."

"Don't push it." Ara said.

At the same time, Anike said, "Just open the door, Tooni."

On hearing his girlfriend's voice, he threw the door open, almost knocking Ara off her feet. Rushing forward, he engulfed Anike in his embrace. "I've missed you so much, babe."

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