13 - Ara's Story

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Seven years later

Ara wiped her forehead and leaned against the wall. Today had been tiring for her.

When the idea of having her own restaurant came to her mind, she jumped at it and worked to achieve it.

Now, at the age of twenty-four, she was her own boss. Yet, she had to work herself to the bone every day just to make something out of her business.

Just like today.

"Excuse me?" Someone waved his hand in front of her and she crashed back to reality, her eyes widening when she saw how pissed the person looked.

"I'm so sorry. Please what would you like to order?" She asked as she wiped her hands on her apron and took his order.

Yes, she was also a waitress in her own restaurant. Two of her waitresses reported being sick, and a third one moved away to university, so she was running low on staff.

She had put out a notice for a new waitress, but in the meantime she had to work as one.

After serving the order and handing it over to the man, she hurried over to clean the drink a little boy spilled at his table.

On and on she worked, till it was night time. After bidding the last customer goodnight, she and her chef cleaned up the restaurant. Once he left, she laid face up on the counter, raised her knees, placed the back of her hand on her forehead and closed her eyes.

A sigh escaped her lips as she rubbed her shoulders.

Jesus, am I doing the right thing? Perhaps I should close the restaurant and go find a job in a company instead?

This work is too tiring for the meager amount I'm earning.


Ara sighed again. She'd forgotten to turn the sign to show that they were closed. Opening her eyes, she began to sit up.

"I'm sorry, but we are–"

Then her jaw dropped as her eyes landed on the last person she thought she'd ever see.

Dressed in dark jeans and a shirt that hugged his torso, he stood before her with a grin on his face and his hands in his pockets. Gone was the tall and lean boy who captured her heart, and in his place was a man with a slight stubble on his face and a sculptured body. Her eyes travelled over him, taking in every dip and curve. Then she gazed into his eyes.

Those eyes of his were still the same.

Dark eyes that still had the ability to take her breath away. Those eyes that seemed to pierce through her, reading her innermost thoughts.

She glanced away and jumped off the counter. Whirling around, she made her way to her office where she picked her bag, closed the drapes and switched off the lights.

After leaving the office, she moved towards the doors of the restaurant. He was still standing there, his smile gone and in its place was an expression full of pain.

His eyes found hers, his voice soft. "Ara."

"Don't you dare call me Ara with that–that voice of yours!" She snapped, the ache of seven years weighing her heart down.

"What voice?"

"Don't play games with me, Fade. You were gone for seven years. For a whole seven years! Do you know how I felt all this while? I felt like a fool."

"Ara, please–"

"You cut me off. You wouldn't pick my calls, you stopped calling and after sometime your number was no longer reachable. You also blocked me on all your social media accounts and your mum wouldn't tell me anything."

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