12 - Fade's Story

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A break in had occurred at the agency, and Dami and Dipo were called back to investigate it with some other agents, leaving only Fade and Anike with Ara.

At the moment the three of them were on their way to Fade's house for a remembrance that was being held for his sister. As the car climbed over another speed bump and lifted them in their seats, Ara's mind drifted back to that day when Fade told her about his sister.

"I had gone out with her that day, because she kept asking for ice cream and I decided to take her out to get some."

He paused, finding it hard to continue.

"I remember my uncle and Dad arguing that day as we went out, but they were always arguing, so it wasn't something new.

"Sewa and I stayed out till it was evening, and then we began making our way back home when Mum called and told me to buy meat for her from the supermarket. Even up to this moment I can't explain how, but I lost Sewa when we got to the supermarket.

"When I alerted the security and we checked the CCTV after searching for her to no avail, the recording showed her being led out by two men. I was devastated. How do I tell my parents I lost my sister? I didn't even know where she was at that moment, and what was happening to her. Was she still alive? Was she injured? Was she scared or she'd been knocked unconscious? So many questions ran through my mind, and I didn't even know what to do."

He swallowed hard, and Ara squeezed his hand. He glanced at their clasped hands with glassy eyes, not really seeing them even though he was looking right at them.

"I don't know how I got home that night. I don't even remember how my parents got to know, maybe I told them or by seeing me crying so hard they figured out that something had gone wrong.

"I couldn't sleep all night, and by morning I heard the worst news ever. My little sister" He choked back a sob. "My little sister–"

He broke down in tears, and Ara wrapped her arms around him.

"I'm sorry, Fade. I'm so sorry."

He lifted his head, his eyes full of pain. "Why are you sorry? If anything, I'm the one that should be sorry. I wish I had searched harder, maybe I would have found her. I would have found you, and maybe I could have saved you both."

Ara shook her head. "Don't blame yourself, Fade. What if you had been there, but somehow got killed? Do you think that would have been better?"

"At least it would have been better than Sewa being dead."

She placed her hand over where his heart is. "She lives on in here, right?"

He let out a broken sigh. "It's not the same as her being here in person."

"Ara." Someone shook her, breaking into her thoughts.

She directed her attention to him. "Yeah?"

"We've gotten to my house."

She glanced around and saw they were in front of a modest looking house. It was painted a blue-green colour, and instead of the common silver coloured roof, this one was black.

There were two trees that towered close to the front windows. They looked like any further tilt in the direction of these windows could smash them, but since that hasn't happened all these years everyone stopped worrying about it.

Taking the short flight of stairs that led to the front door, Fade knocked and waited for someone to open it.

Fade hadn't been sure whether to bring Ara along since she had also suffered that night, but she had assured him that she was fine so he conceded.

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