14 - Fade's Story

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"I'm so bored." Ara groaned. Then she stretched on the sofa and yawned. She blinked and tried to refocus her gaze on Anike who sat adjacent her.

When the latter didn't give a reply, Ara moved closer to her and gave her best puppy-dog face. "Anike, please can we go out and do something? I'm sure if we don't I'll end up withering from boredom."

At first it seemed Anike hadn't heard her, until she looked up from her phone and chuckled. "Your mum will be back tomorrow. Fade and I don't want you to go out and get injured, that's why he said you should stay put."

At Ara's crestfallen expression, Anike placed a hand over hers and whispered. "But between us, we can sneak out. I won't let him know."

"Really?" Ara perked up.

"Yeah. We'll just disappear, and by the time he notices we'll both be long gone."

Ara cupped her mouth to quell an incoming squeal. "No way. It's that easy? We can actually do that?"

"No." Anike replied, her smile vanishing as she returned to her usual serious self. "Agent 7 is one of the best agents I've ever met. If we leave, he'll hunt us down till he finds us. He's that meticulous. Besides, now that he has his eye on you, you think he'll not notice your absence?"

Ara leaned back against the couch with a sigh. Then her brows furrowed. "What do you mean by he has his eye on me?"

Anike resumed tapping her phone. "Girl, even I can see it. He's almost always around you, he touches you more than necessary and there's this fondness in his eyes whenever he looks at you."

Ara blinked. "I'm sorry, what?"

Anike shrugged and rose to her feet. "That's just the way I see it. It might not be like that after all."

"Where are you going?" Ara called after her as she climbed the stairs.

"To my room. Wanna call my boyfriend." Anike called back.

Ara gagged. "You could just have said you want to call Tooni. Why call him that so happily?"

The corners of Anike's lips turned upwards in a smile. "Because I can."

After Anike was gone, Ara picked up her phone and scrolled through it. When she found nothing of interest on it, she dropped it with a groan and stared up at the ceiling.

Her fingers drummed against her thigh as she thought of what could engage her at the moment and take her mind off what happened a week ago.

Not just the fact that Fade found out about their past relationship, but also because she had seen that man at Fade's house.

She closed her eyes, and although she'd have appeared as the perfect picture of calmness, inside her heart was thumping as she remembered how he'd also come into Fade's room when she was the only one there.

Her skin crawled. She jerked upwards, her calm facade shattering.

Cupping her face, she rested her elbows on her thighs as her breath came out in uneven gasps.

He'd even...he'd even almost touched her if not that Anike came in at that moment and stopped him.

Afterwards, she'd implored Anike not to tell Fade. Anike reluctantly agreed, although she warned that if something like that happened again she would inform Fade without hesitation.

Ara rose to her feet and made her way up to her room. She had to get out of the house. She was starting to feel suffocated, as if the walls were closing in on her.

She would leave, whether they wanted her to or not. She would consider the possible consequences later.


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