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⠀⠀⥽♡ ˘͈ᵕ˘͈ [혼자]↳ ꒰ 𝙖𝙡𝙤𝙣𝙚 ꒱⠀⠀four times

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⥽♡ ˘͈ᵕ˘͈ [혼자]
↳ ꒰ 𝙖𝙡𝙤𝙣𝙚 ꒱

four times. that how many times it had taken for him to finally move about six feet. it wasn't that far, but considering how long the two boys had been out on the sidewalk, it was a big improvement.

"did you see that!" jungkook cheered. he jumped off the skateboard and bounced on his feet in excitement. it was a little hard to do so, considering the knee pads and elbows pads covering any part of him that might get injured if he fell off.

taehyung was clapping, "i did, and you totally only wavered a little bit this time." he said. jungkook giggled and bent down to tug up the knee pad a little more.

"plus i did it by myself this time." jungkook smiled and stood there on the sidewalk. he heard taehyungs steps getting closer until they stopped in front of him. "you should stop getting better at this," taehyung said, "i'm starting to miss holding your hands."

his cheeks were pink in a second, a pretty blush that the older enjoyed being the reason for. "i suddenly forgot how to skateboard." jungkook said, stepping back on and holding his arms out. he wiggled his fingers for attention and taehyung just chuckled.

"dork." the brunette said, taking his hands and pulling him slowly back down the sidewalk.

they've been at it for maybe an hour. the sweat trickling down their temples spoke for this as well. "are you getting hungry?" taehyung finally asked. there was a strip of sweat going down his chest and soaking into the white fabric of his t-shirt. he had a bandana on to push back his bangs and a pair of jean shorts reaching just above the knee.

"a little bit." jungkook said. "i think we have peanut butter and jelly upstairs. we can make sandwiches."

"come on bun." taehyung said, one foot on the board to hold it still while jungkook jumped off. he picked it up the board and held onto the ravenettes hand with the other.

the two made their way back into the apartment lobby and into the elevator. it wasn't until just now with the air conditioning that jungkook realized how hot and sweaty he was. "i really need a shower." he frowned, disliking how his shirt stuck to him.

taehyung just chuckled, "you can shower and i'll start making us lunch." he said.

the boy nodded and they're hands unlatched as they went separate ways in the apartment. jungkook knew his way around to his room and then to the shower, no surprises there. the surprise came as taehyung closed the pantry with a loaf of bread in his hands and a quiet yelp escaping after seeing the roommate sneak in. namjoon stood there with a carton of milk and raised eyebrow. "make yourself at home." namjoon said.

"uh sorry." taehyung said putting the bread on the counter next to the jars of peanut butter and jelly. "i'm making lunch for jungkook and i, did you want one?" he asked.

"i'm fine." namjoon said in return.

"alrighty." taehyung said. he pulled out a few slices of bread and left them on some napkins. namjoon watched and paused for a second as he watched, "do more jelly than peanut butter on his," he ended up saying.

taehyung looked up, "uh, okay cool, thanks." he said with a polite smile and made a mental note to do just that. then the thought had sparked, and he had two seconds to speak up before the roommate completely left the room. "hey namjoon?"

the said male had stopped in his tracks and turned. he was still holding the milk. "yeah?" namjoon said.

taehyung bit the inside of his bottom lip and tried to quickly think of the way he wanted to phrase this question. "what kind of things does jungkook like to do? you know, if he was to go out."

that had namjoon raising an eyebrow. he was soon standing back in the kitchen with his arms crossed over his chest. "what do you mean go out?" he said. obviously he knew what the boy meant, it was underlying notion of taehyung wanting to take jungkook out. everything about it sent red lights flashing inside namjoons head and he was already on defense mode.

"like, on a date?" taehyung tried. he wanted to cringe. everything about this was so awkward and weird and taehyung really had no clue what he was doing. his normal go to would be dinner and a movie or something like that, but considering the circumstances his potential date might not enjoy that as much.

namjoon just sighed. "you've seen it all taehyung." he said. "he doesn't go out because he can't, he likes sitting here and listening to music or sitting at the park and listening to the sounds of nature. he listens to jin watching drag race but even then not even his best friend knows that sometimes jungkook cries later because he wish he could watch it too." there was no point in trying to be this intimidating big brother figure and push taehyung away. namjoon just wanted to be real, and tell him the truth before he got into this too deep.

"jungkooks life is different than yours. he can't enjoy the things you do and id hate to see you stop doing what you want because you don't want him to feel left out." namjoon continued.

at this point taehyung was frowning. that wasn't what he wanted to hear, obviously, but seeing the look in namjoons eyes said more than his words did. he probably knew more about stopping the things he enjoyed in order to be there for his roommate. taehyung also noticed this the way jin and namjoon were together the other night. no one would guess that they had broken up, not the way they behaved and looked at each other.

namjoon just sighed, "i don't want either of you being disappointed."

the other boy didn't really know what to say to that. and namjoon didn't really know what to expect in return. he never thought he'd have to have that talk again. it was a lot harder when he said it the first time with his ex-boyfriend, ending something so beautiful because he had to focus on his friend that was breaking. jin was too understanding to even be upset, at jungkook that is. he still avoided namjoon as much as he could. heartbreak does that.

it was also something he'd never say to the ravenette himself. namjoon never wanted him to feel at fault, to feel like a burden to those around him.

but jungkook never really had to hear him say it. there was a part of him that felt it, he always have and he always will — and standing there in the hallway with his back against the wall and eyes closed, ears trained on the words coming from the kitchen, it only solidified the dark thoughts in his mind.

jungkook reached up to scratch his nose, and then he felt the wetness on his cheek. the tears had fallen without his permission and soon his bottom lip began to quiver.

it didn't even matter that he overheard the boy he had a tiny crush on saying that he wanted to take jungkook out, because deep down he knew that taehyung wouldn't want to stay. no one stayed, and jungkook would be alone in this darkness for the rest of his life without a soul to save him.


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