thirty four.

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⠀⠀⥽♡ ˘͈ᵕ˘͈ [환상]↳ ꒰ 𝙛𝙖𝙣𝙩𝙖𝙨𝙮 ꒱⠀

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⥽♡ ˘͈ᵕ˘͈ [환상]
↳ ꒰ 𝙛𝙖𝙣𝙩𝙖𝙨𝙮 ꒱

bright and doe-like, two dark orbs blinking and simply going off the sweet scent drifting throughout the shop. he didn't need to see the flavors, jungkook could just imagine the swirls of pastels in big tubs waiting to be scooped and drowned in sprinkles, gummy berries, oreos, and various other toppings.

"i cant decide." jungkook said. his palms were against the cool glass, and his nose might have been pressed against it as well if taehyung wasn't gently tugging on the back of his shirt to keep the eager boy at bay.

taehyung chuckled. "want me to choose for you?" he asked. a hand was in his pocket, the other still holding onto the youngers shirt.

"yes!" jungkook said, pleased with that decision, as long as it was anything with gummy bears on top.

taehyung looked, choosing on a few flavors for a big sundae bowl that they'd share. the younger was humming to himself and minding his own business so he couldn't overhear the order, he wanted to guess it correctly. "thanks." taehyung said, handing over some cash and taking the bowl in return.

"you got chocolate didn't you." jungkook said as they walked to a booth near the front window. "you always choose chocolate."

"that's not fair, you have to wait." taehyung pulled out the boys seat for him before sitting himself, setting the ice cream down and holding the spoon out for his date.

"i don't know how to do that." the ravenette said, reaching for the spoon and pouting when he couldn't grasp it.

taehyung had pulled it away at the last second, "nope, payment first kiddo." he said.

jungkooks pout soon turned to a smile, leaning over the table and finding the olders lips to kiss. "now give me the spoon." he held his hand out and waited patiently.

"enjoy baby." taehyung chuckled and handed him the spoon, holding his own and enjoying the sight of the small boys cheeks turning pink. they matched the color of the pastel ice cream.

jungkook held the bowl, not in a selfish manner, but simply a guide to take a scoop each time. "i feel gummy bears." he said, knocking one over with the spoon on accident and picking it up with his fingers.

"i know you like those." taehyung said. there were half gummy bears and half reese's pieces on the other side. he aimed for those, especially the chocolate ice cream underneath.

the other side was strawberry ice cream. they spent enough time eating desserts during late movie nights for the older to know what the smaller boy preferred. "you know me so well." jungkook said with a spoonful of the creamy dessert in his mouth. his eyes shut tight at how cold it was but that didn't stop him from taking another bite.

"i'm assuming you know the flavor." taehyung said. he watched the boy battle with his desire to eat more but also shake his fists in pain at how cold it was.

"are you eating? you have to enjoy it too." jungkook said, pushing the bowl closer to the other side of the table.

taehyung smiled. there was a little stir in his heart at the boys thoughtfulness, jungkook always seemed to think of others in every scenario. "i'm enjoying myself don't worry." he picked off a reese's pieces and plopped it in his mouth. as good as it tasted, he kind of enjoyed watching jungkook enjoy himself more.

"four days." the ravenette said, pausing to eat some more and pick off some more gummy bears. taehyung waited patiently for the boy to fill his tummy before speaking again. "i cant believe i might have my sight back in four days."

yesterday they had visited doctor kim junwon. jungkook made the decision to go through with this noninvasive treatment, and so far everyone was supportive of it — namjoon, jin, and even jimin replied to a text wishing him well plus a smiley face. the appointment is scheduled for friday at 2 pm, and jungkook couldn't stop thinking about it and feeling the light inside him wanting to burst into a wildfire.

support. it was one of the best things someone could receive from those closest to you. jungkook couldn't imagine anyone else he'd want support from, especially if it was coming from the guy he knew he was falling for — and that was taehyung.

taehyung wanted to be that person for him, there was nothing more that he wanted in his heart than to fully support this boy and all his endeavors. but he couldn't help but frown. "jungkook-" he tried to say.

"we have to watch drag race." jungkook said, thinking about all the things he wanted to do again once things were back to normal, once he was normal. "can we come back here after that too? i'll order for us this time."

"baby listen to me." taehyung tried again.

"you won't have to tell me where things are anymore and-" he continued to ramble, completely lost in his own world and words, a made of fantasies.

that world was broken with a firm grip on his hands and a deep voice pulling him out of it. "jungkook stop." taehyung said, holding his hand and staring at him intently.

the boys lips closed and he blinked innocently. "yeah?" he asked.

"don't do this to yourself." the older said.

the way the boys lips fell down into a sad pout was such a terrible contrast to the bright ice cream parlor and dainty music in the background. jungkook didn't moved, and he just blinked. "i'm not doing anything." he finally said.

the pads of taehyungs thumbs brushed over the boys knuckles. "i know what you want." he started to say. it seemed to be a hard topic, one that him tip toeing over his words and trying not to say the wrong thing to upset him more. "i wish i could give you what you want, you don't understand how badly i want to give you everything."

now jungkook was frowning some more. it was like the softening before the blow, the strong breeze that came right before a bad storm that knocked trees and crushed homes. he couldn't think of this now, not when he never had anything close to hope in so long. he didn't want to be realistic. jungkook wanted to take everything he could and dive head first into the mindset of everything going so well.

he's not sure what would happen to himself if nothing changed after all this.

"i don't want you to be disappointed." taehyung finished saying.

the ice cream melted into a sad pool with abandoned gummy bears floating on top. jungkook felt like a sad gummy bear.

"i will be disappointed tae." jungkook admitted. that was the reality of things. "but i'll get over it. like i always do."

it wasn't really the ideal situation, and it had taehyung frowning. he also kind of felt like an asshole for being somewhat grateful that the younger couldn't see. "doctor kim is the best." he said, "you're in good hands."

jungkook smiled, but it was forced — just as forced as he knew taehyungs words were. he's been used to hearing the false positives coming his way, all the remarks of staying hopeful and finding the good things in life.

it was like living in a hallmark card for two years. jungkook thought he finally got over all that, escaped the people telling him it will get better. but they don't know what it's like, and right now he felt sick in his stomach for receiving the same attitude from taehyung now as well.



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