twenty six.

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⠀⠀⥽♡ ˘͈ᵕ˘͈ [바람]↳ ꒰ 𝙗𝙧𝙚𝙚𝙯𝙚 ꒱⠀

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⥽♡ ˘͈ᵕ˘͈ [바람]
↳ ꒰ 𝙗𝙧𝙚𝙚𝙯𝙚 ꒱

the wind wasn't too bad once they got outside the apartment building, just enough to send some shivers down their spines but they were able to manage without jackets. taehyung was wearing a pair of black jeans and a button down shirt with some patterns all over it. it was something only he could pull off, especially with the buttons undone revealing tan chest and pretty necklaces bumping against the bare skin with each step.

"how are you feeling?" taehyung asked, kissing the boys temple as they walked. he had his arm around jungkooks shoulders, holding him close and guiding them as they followed the sidewalk deeper into the city.

jungkooks stomach was turning, but from nervousness or excitement he wasn't too sure. "i'm okay." he decided to remain neutral.

in all honesty the last party he might have been at was a middle school classmates birthday at a trampoline park. he only knows that because someone broke their arm and he got an extra slice since that kid went to the hospital.

the party wasn't too far. it was in seonghwas penthouse apartment in one of the expensive buildings near a deli market on the corner. taehyung thought it was neat, because he got too drunk one night and the man gave him free salami on his way home. "no drinking tonight." the older said. recalling that memory only reminded him that it probably wasn't a good idea. partly because he had to make sure jungkook was okay all night, plus he didn't even know if the boy has drank before.

"oh come on tae," jungkook bounced a bit with each step, a pout on his pink glossy lips. "don't purify my party experience. let me have one." it wasn't quite begging, but it was getting there.

"parties aren't really that fun you know." taehyung said. he tightened his arm around the boy as they sidewalks got busier. they were getting closer to the more fancy side of the city, more people going out and ready to spend too much money and consume way too many drinks. jungkook could feel that it got busier, especially with the more voices and people bumping into his side.

"then why do you go to them every week?" jungkook countered, moving his arm to slip around the older boys waist as they walked. it was like a walking hug.

taehyung just chuckled at the quick reply. it was easy to notice how much more comfortable the ravenette had gotten with him, being more witty and playful rather than quiet and shy. "i didn't have anything better in my life to spend my time with." he said.

every bit of it was true. there's only so many nights someone could spend getting wasted and listening to bad music until ungodly hours of the morning. eventually that method of distraction just turned into an annoyance as well. taehyung much rather enjoyed how he's been spending his time recently.

it was also the thing that had jungkooks cheeks matching his lips. thinking that taehyung now preferred to spend his time with him instead of a bunch of fun people at parties seemed unreal — but there was still that underlying worry. just as the older male had gotten tired of always going out to parties, he could just as easily get tired of always being around jungkook and only doing limited things.

neither of them said anything else as they walked, taehyung guiding the two of them while also looking for seonghwas apartment building. it wasn't too far away now, and in three minutes they were riding up the elevator and soon welcoming the loud hall.

"okay, stay with me and don't let go." taehyung said. he reached for the youngers hand and held it firmly. all he wanted to do was get through the crowded part of the penthouse so they could hang out by the balcony or some other less-busy area.

jungkook nodded and felt his stomach flip. they were just in the hallway but the music could already be heard. "okay." he said quietly.

taehyung held onto the boy and kept him close to his side. the plan was to have a drink and maybe some pretzels from the snack bar, listen to a song or two, and then dip. he really had no interest in coming tonight and he doubted jungkook was going to enjoy himself.

taehyung had all the right intentions.

it was like a switch, something so quick and not really expected it's done and already happened and now there really was no going back. jungkook was unsure as to how he felt coming here but now he was certain — he was terrified. it was like being thrown into a new world with no prior knowledge about what was around him. there was no way for him to listen or try to fend for himself when all his senses were drowned out by bass and obnoxious singing. taehyung however thought he was certain with how he felt. he was convinced they'd spend thirty minutes here tops; but old habits are hard to break.

they walked into the apartment, hand in hand and heads full of music being played way too loudly. there was no way to even really tell what song it was, it was just being played to be loud. taehyung thought they were early, arriving just after 9 pm, but most of the people here were already drunk off their asses.

"come on." taehyung made sure to lean down when he spoke to the boy, a loud whisper close to his hear. jungkook just nodded.

the older maneuvered their way through the dancing bodies, still holding onto jungkooks hand but almost pushing him in front to make sure he didn't lose sight of him. "hey taehyung!" someone had yelled his named over the music.

"what's up." taehyung said. he looked at the guy coming over, two cups in his hands and a smile on his face. jungkook just listened, sort of, he couldn't really hear anything over the loud noises and the beating of his own heart.

"nice shirt, haven't seen you in a while," the guys said, speaking way too fast and taehyung couldn't even recognize him to be honest. "some people were asking for you, wanted to play a game or something-"

"maybe later." taehyung cut him off and gave the ravenette a small nudge to keep walking. "who was that?" the smaller one asked.

taehyung guided him to the kitchen where it was less crowded. "i'm not sure." he said, making the other boy giggle quietly. taehyung smiled at the sound, probably the nicest sound he's heard here so far. "i'll get us a drink." he told jungkook, briefly letting go of his hand to open the fridge and look around. it was stocked high with various bottles and some fruit.

jungkook stayed by the counter and softly tapped on the surface, trying not to let his nerves or anxiety take control and get himself so worked up. that was hard once he lost contact with taehyung, the only thing he knew here and was familiar with.

maybe that's what this was. maybe jungkook wanted to go to his first party just to say that he did and never have to go to one again. maybe he wanted to think this was a date with taehyung and that this handsome guy actually wanted to be seen in public with him. maybe this was just a test, to see if jungkook could handle anything that wasn't a cd player and toaster.

he wasn't sure what tonight was, but jungkook knew he was almost happy. especially when he felt a familiar palm touch his back, and soft lips brush against his ear before a kiss followed on his jaw. "i'm back." taehyung whispered, standing so close and pressing his front against the boys back.

everything left jungkooks mind, and he just closed his eyes, and simply enjoyed feeling taehyung be so close to him and only him.



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