twenty three.

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⠀⠀⥽♡ ˘͈ᵕ˘͈ [파티]↳ ꒰ 𝙥𝙖𝙧𝙩𝙮 ꒱⠀

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⥽♡ ˘͈ᵕ˘͈ [파티]
↳ ꒰ 𝙥𝙖𝙧𝙩𝙮 ꒱

it didn't take long for the older male to answer, not when he was waiting patiently for a call from his best friend all night. despite wanting to hear the gossip, knowing it got later only meant the boy stayed a lot longer. jin was happy for his friend, especially since taehyung seemed to be a good guy.

the two facetimed immediately, jungkook had run to his room the second taehyung left and namjoon focused on getting his drunk friend settled on the couch. they didn't have a guest room, so the living room would have to suffice.

"girl." jungkook held out the word once he heard his friend pick up and answer the face time call. he was laying on his bed on his stomach, the phone held out in front of him.

jin squinted and looked at his screen, "girl i cant see you, go left."

"girl." jungkook repeated after moving his phone to hopefully show his face this time.

"no your left." his best friend corrected him once more. this wouldn't be the first time it took a second for the younger to get the angle right on his own face. "girl!" jungkook said for the third time.

"too far!" jin yelled, "okay stop there you got it." the smaller boys face filled his screen, blinking brown eyes and thin pink lips stretching into a small smile. "so how was date night." he got straight to the point.

"it wasn't a date." jungkook was quick to correct him. they haven't actually done anything like that, nothing that didn't consist of movies and snacks and music. jin however didn't care because in his mind if you hang out for prolonged time and makeout ever night then it's a date.

"okay sure, how was it." the older asked.

jungkook just shrugged, "it was okay." the small boy turned around to lay on his back instead, "i think he's going to get bored."

"shut up." jin was always very blunt. this wasn't an exception either. any slight hint of his best friend being negative or subtlety showing signs of being a downer and he was quick to shut it down. "you guys should paint nails next time, that's something new to do." his friend offered an idea.

the ravenette just shook his head. "he's definitely not into that. hoseok came by and basically exposed him for being the life of friday night parties."

"well he must like you if he chooses to hang out with you instead." jin said. he had propped his phone on his knee, scrolling through his itunes on his laptop to find some lofi playlist. it was nice to have in the background while they talked or just sat in silence together.

so that's what they did. neither really saying anything as the music played, both laying on their backs. it was a comfortable silence, both there in case someone had something to say, something to share. it was jungkook who spoke first. "hyung." it was like a whisper.

"hm." the older hummed.

jungkook was chewing on the inside of his bottom lip again. "would it be dumb for me to go to a party." he asked.

it was silent for a few seconds. of course it was dumb, jin knew this. there was nothing at a party that would appeal to the boy, not the loud music and equally loud drunk people bumping around. the poor kids anxiety would shoot through the roof and he wouldn't last five minutes. jin couldn't say that though, not now. not when jungkook was starting to question something good happening to him.

"it would be dumb if you didn't let me pick your outfit." jin decided to say. maybe there was a chance his best friend could go, if he went with taehyung. if taehyung stayed with him and made sure he was okay.

all the ravenette had to see was that parties sucked and they really weren't that great. it seemed like an easy thing for jin to be content with. it seemed okay.

"cool." jungkook smiled for the first time during their facetime call, a real one that almost matched the excitement in his tummy. taehyung would probably enjoy that, going out again and not staying inside. people can only tolerate that for so long.

jin nodded, "make sure you go with taehyung though." he clarified, getting an eager nod in return paired with bouncing black bangs.

the smaller boy was excited to talk to taehyung now, already ready to text him about meeting up tomorrow — maybe the cafe. they haven't been there in a while. of course jungkook would have to ask if that's something taehyung wanted to do. he couldn't just latch onto the older male and hope he takes him everywhere. yeah they kissed and snuggled but jungkook had no idea what they were.

taehyung wasn't even sure either. he just knew he had a fond spot for the boy. such a small thing that seemed so pure and innocent, yet he seemed to have had more life experience than even himself. part of him looked up to jungkook, wondering how the boy could be so content after everything he went through. maybe that's also why he wanted to help him, and why he was sitting their in his trailer twirling the stupid business card with his fingers.

it seemed wrong to bring it up, like he was trying to fix a problem that both namjoon and jungkook had moved on from. neither seemed too keen on finding solutions, not with the lessons and the dogs that just seemed like they were accepting the way jungkook was. maybe that's what taehyung should be doing.

throw it away. part of his mind told himself as he stared hard at the doctors named neatly typed across the rectangular paper card.

but he didn't. instead taehyung felt his phone vibrate in his pocket, but he was too lazy to grab it. apparently having a staring contest with an inanimate object was more important.

he didn't grab for his phone until it vibrated for a second time, and then a third. someone was really trying to get a hold of him.

the boys eyes drifted over to the clock on the wall, nearly 2 am and someone was contacting him — or someones. the two named flashed on his screen, both asking to meet up tomorrow and luckily different times.

one had wanted grilled cheese and soup while the other simply asked to meet for coffee. taehyung adored the two boys, one being his best friend and the being his— what was jungkook to him? he couldn't call him a friend. people didn't just makeout and flirt with their friends.

his temples throbbed, it was too late at night to try and think about that. those were future issues to work out, right now taehyung had plenty of other things on his plate. he quickly texted both boys back, agreeing to each meet up and deciding sleep was best to follow.

falling asleep didn't take long, the second his head hit the pillow it was lights out. pretty memories danced behind his eyes and turned into dreams that taehyung didn't want to wake up from just yet.



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