twenty four.

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⠀⠀⥽♡ ˘͈ᵕ˘͈ [녹차]↳ ꒰ 𝙜𝙧𝙚𝙚𝙣 𝙩𝙚𝙖 ꒱⠀

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⥽♡ ˘͈ᵕ˘͈ [녹차]
↳ ꒰ 𝙜𝙧𝙚𝙚𝙣 𝙩𝙚𝙖 ꒱

the smell of coffee was so strong early that morning. it was just after 9 am, and taehyung had pushed open the doors to the cafe he's gotten quite familiar with. it was still early for a saturday morning, not too many people awake yet and still in the warmth of their homes.

taehyung did however recognize a familiar mop of hair sitting in a booth near the back. "isnt it a little early for soup?" he said as he sat down across from the boy.

"no." jimin simply said, taking another spoonful of the tomato soup. half the grilled cheese was already gone and few crumbs littered the table top. "i order another don't worry." he said once seeing his friend eyeing the half gone meal.

"okay cool." taehyung said, taking off his coat to leave it on the seat of the booth beside him. "i'm guessing you're not working this weekend." he said.

jimin just shook his head. "nah, boss called last night and said it would be slow so i could take two days." he said with a shrug, "they're paid vacation days so i'm not complaining. what have you been up to, be barely hang."

the other male just hummed and tore random pieces of the napkin. he hasn't really told his best friend about jungkook yet. partly because he wasn't sure what he would say, just that they watched a few movies and made out a couple times. that didn't really mean much yet. "i've been spending time with someone." he decided that was a simple enough answer.

"oh?" jimins interest was peaked, looking up at his friend and only pausing his chewing to wiggle his eyebrows. "is it serious?"

"shut up no, i don't know." taehyung threw a tiny crumbled up ball of napkin at his friend who easily swatted it away. "i'm just seeing where it goes." he said and putting it like that kind of made it make more sense.

jimin just shrugged and pushed the grilled cheese plate over after tearing off a last piece for himself. he dipped it in the soup and decided to speak with a mouthful, "well hopefully it turns out good for you." he said. taehyung thanked him for both that and the sandwhich.

it then occurred to him that he was also meeting jungkook here for coffee in a little bit. the idea sparked, and then it grew, and then it was on his tongue and out his mouth. "hey chim," taehyung said, waiting for a nod in acknowledgement, "do you remember the boy i asked if you knew? a while ago, sitting here in the cafe?"

jimin pauses, and then he looked up at his friend, wondering where this was going. "yeah."

"i'm getting coffee with him, his name's jungkook and you should come too since you have no work today." taehyung offered. if anyone would want to be friends with jungkook is would definitely be jimin, that boy could talk to anyone and be totally content. it would be nice to see the two people he enjoys most meeting as well.

jimin set the spoon down and wiped his lips clear of tomato, pulling out a few bills to leave on the table. "i have errands." he said. "we'll catch up later." the boy got up with a smile and a nod, leaving his friend with the leftovers and an empty seat in front of him. it was odd how quick he left, as if taehyung simply blinked and the boy disappeared. jimin tended to be odd but even that was a bit much.

the brunette tried not too think too much about it, figuring a call later on would explain whatever that was. taehyung finished up the grilled cheese and took the second in a togo container once the waitress came by. he was planning to sit by the window where he and jungkook typically sat together.

he didn't have to wait long, maybe fifteen minutes and then two males came walking in, the ding about their heads following. namjoon was in his work uniform and jungkook had on a simple pair of cargo shorts and a white t-shirt. that clear backpack sat on his shoulders and only came off when the ravenette paused to put his cane away. at this point in the cafe he knew where he was going.

"hey koo," taehyung said, standing from his seat to pull out the younger boys. "how're you?" he spoke quietly, leaning close to kiss his cheek softly before the two separated and sat. jungkooks cheeks were visibly a light pink, whether that be from the cold morning breeze or the rising blush.

"hi." he said with a small voice.

"i ordered you a tea." taehyung said, scooting in his chair a bit more and folding his hands neatly on top of the table. it was a small round one, big enough for the two of them and a few things to order.

jungkook smiled, "thank you."

"did you miss me that much," there was a teasing note in his voice as he spoke, "you just saw me last night." taehyung said.

the younger just shook his head, but the smile was still there. "you were just as quick to say yes." jungkook pointed out. he enjoyed this, the playful teasing and light remarks being thrown back and forth. it was nice after tough nights.

"i'd be a fool to turn you down."

that had jungkooks smile simply growing and the blush on his cheeks not wavering. it was an endearing sight, one that the older could sit and look at for a while — and once again he was left to wonder what the boy was thinking about as he stared down at his lap.

"would you turn me down if i said i wanted to go to a party with you?" the ravenette had asked, not sure where the confidence came from to just bring it up so boldly.

the older was cut off from answering, a nice waitress walking by the set the tea down as well as his own coffee. "thank you." taehyung said to the lady, who smiled and took her leave. "why do you want to go to a party? is this because of last night?"

jungkook shook his head, his palms holding onto the hot cup of tea to warm them up a bit. "i haven't had someone to go with before." the boy shrugged, not really having a problem being honest with the handsome brunette. they've gotten to the point where jungkook felt like he could say whatever he felt, taehyung tended to be blunt regardless.

he seemed to be thinking, at least that's what jungkook assumed since it was still quiet. taehyung  was watching him, trying to read his expression. usually it was easy, but with jungkook, the boy just sat there like a pretty little statue.

"i have no problem taking you." taehyung ended up saying, "as long as you're comfortable."

the younger smiled bright at that. "really?" he asked, not expecting someone to be so willing so quick. jungkook scrapped he whole begging speech he had planned and just sipped his tea instead. that was easier than he thought.

now the hard part was picking out an outfit that would be good enough for a friday night party. jungkook would definitely be calling his best friend once again to help him get ready.


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