thirty two.

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⠀⠀⥽♡ ˘͈ᵕ˘͈ [소망]↳ ꒰ 𝙝𝙤𝙥𝙚 ꒱⠀

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⥽♡ ˘͈ᵕ˘͈ [소망]
↳ ꒰ 𝙝𝙤𝙥𝙚 ꒱

it didn't matter that a handsome guy had his arms around his waist, and lips on his neck and soft whispers meeting his ear — jungkook still wasn't fond of tuesday's.

"come on, maybe we can see more dogs." taehyung said.

they were laying in jungkooks bed, the boys fluffy black hair being messed up even more by the oldest slender hands running through it. they had slept in, and namjoon already came in to get on his roommate about eating breakfast and checking his blood sugar.

that also made jungkook actually tell taehyung about his diabetes. "it's so dumb." the boy had said, "if i want pastries with my tea i should be able to have some."

"you can," taehyung said, "just in certain amounts."

"dumb." the boy repeated.

he finally got out of bed and walked into the bathroom to brush his teeth. taehyung had followed, partly because he had nothing else to do and partly because he just really liked the younger.

"so what does she teach you besides how to read." taehyung asked. he was leaning against the wall with his arms crossed, dark eyes watching the boy through the mirror.

jungkook just frowned and started to brush his teeth. of course he had to ask a question right when he put toothpaste in his mouth. "everything." he said awkwardly, a little muffled with some suds escaping at the corner of his lips.

"hm," taehyung just hummed and pushed himself off the wall, going into the bedroom again. "did you go see the dogs over the weekend?"

jungkook spit into the sink and rinsed his mouth, putting the cover over his brush and leaving it in the cup. "no, i wasn't really in a good mood." he said.

"right." taehyung frowned. friday was the night they had the party thing, of course he wasn't in a good mood.

the boy heard his voice, that raspy velvet tone that had shivers going down his spine. jungkook held his hands out until fingertips met the soft t-shirt fabric. "stop that." he said, tugging gently on taehyungs shirt before giving the older male a back hug.

"stop what?" taehyung asked, his palms resting over the smaller boys hands over his stomach.

"frowning." jungkook said, "i can hear it in your voice." 

he simply hummed again, squeezing the boys hands gently before turning around so they faced one another now. "i'm not frowning now." taehyung said, voice low and eyes trained on the one he was holding.

"what are you doing now?" he tilted his head up and rested his chin on the males chest. he was still holding onto his shirt, tiny fists holding onto white fabric.

taehyung leaned down just a bit, their noses bumping and his hot breath fanning over his face as he spoke, "thinking about kissing you."

"you should stop thinking and do it." jungkook tugged on his shirt, even standing up on his tippy toes to get closer.

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