twenty seven.

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⠀⠀⥽♡ ˘͈ᵕ˘͈ [문제]↳ ꒰ 𝙩𝙧𝙤𝙪𝙗𝙡𝙚 ꒱⠀

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⥽♡ ˘͈ᵕ˘͈ [문제]
↳ ꒰ 𝙩𝙧𝙤𝙪𝙗𝙡𝙚 ꒱

the explosion was like a blur of color, pinks and yellows and oranges that danced on his tongue the way he imaged a sunset would taste like. it was tropical and pretty and better than what jungkook was expecting — his hands reached for the glass again, eyes blinking brightly up at the boy who watched him fondly.

"tae that's so good." jungkook said before taking more sips of the drink the older male had made for the two of them.

taehyung didn't trust anyone here, and considering this was the ravenettes first party, he was not about to risk handing him some random concoction of alcohol and acid just to ruin the experience. plus taehyung got pretty good at making drinks after his mother taught him so he could do it for her.

"it tastes like the beach." jungkook paused his drinking just to say that, then he resumed.

"okay slow down there rockstar." taehyung chuckled and took the glass, taking a taste for himself before setting it on the counter. they were facing each other, taehyung leaning on one elbow while jungkook just stood and swayed to the music lightly. "are you enjoying yourself?" he asked.

the younger just shrugged, "i think so," he said, "i'm not entirely sure what i should be feeling." jungkook was very honest about it. right now he kind of just wanted to drink some more but he didn't think he needed a party to do that. why couldn't they just sit on the couch and do this.

taehyung nodded and continued to trail the tips of his fingers on jungkooks bare arm. "yeah that's kind of how it is, everyone just goes to party to go to them. they're really not all that great." he said.

jungkook was gonna say something, he barely got his mouth open to say the words when he felt someone bump into him from behind. whoever it was had been stumbling over to talk to taehyung, a drunk grin on his face that was met with an annoyed glare from the handsome brunette. "yo taehyung! why are you in the kitchen?" the guy asked.

it was a new person, this one taehyung actually recognized. "they're all playing concoctions and the king needs to protect his throne." it was woosung, who bumped into jungkook and now was inviting taehyung to play this stupid game that always made him hate himself.

"not tonight woos-" taehyung barely got the words out when someone else had the nerve to cut in. if someone else decided to bother him on his date tonight taehyung was really about to get pissed — and of course it had to be him.

"he's a coward woosung, leave him be." the guy had interrupted. it was mingyu; and the smug look on his face when he spoke had the patience in taehyung leaving so quickly. this wouldn't be the first time the guy tried to get a rise out of him. "why don't you mind your own business mingyu." taehyung said.

jungkook wasn't sure what to do, he kind of just stood there awkwardly and messed with one of the buttons on taehyungs shirt. he could tell by the tone of his voice that this wasn't some playful bicker, his hyung did not like whoever this person was.

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