twenty two.

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⠀⠀⥽♡ ˘͈ᵕ˘͈ [수치]↳ ꒰ 𝙨𝙝𝙖𝙢𝙚 ꒱⠀

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⥽♡ ˘͈ᵕ˘͈ [수치]
↳ ꒰ 𝙨𝙝𝙖𝙢𝙚 ꒱

that same day they decided to pick a movie that involved dogs. it was a friday, which meant takeout and movies in. usually the spot beside the ravenette was taken by his best friend, but after an excited facetime call in the bathroom, jin totally understood not hanging out tonight and expected a phone call once the dreamy boy had left.

it was still light out, so the two boys sat on the couch and simply talked until it was a better time to order food and watch the movie. taehyung sat with his feet on the coffee table, a pillow on his lap and jungkooks head laying on top of that.

"four." the smaller boy guessed.

taehyung chuckled, "nope, two." he said, taking his fingers off the boys back and starting the game again. "bulleri bulleri goat," he sang, tapping the raventtes back with his fingers, "how many horns stand up?" he stopped tapping, leaving four touching him between his shoulder blades.

jungkook had his eyes closed, fully focused on trying to guess the number correctly. "are you sure it's not four?" he asked. at this point he only guessed it right one time. apparently the older was good at thinking ahead and doing the opposite of what jungkook would guess.

"i don't know, is that your final answer?" taehyung asked, the cheeky grin evident in his tone knowing very well the younger was pouting at wanting to win. "mhm," jungkook hummed.

"okay you got it right." taehyung chuckled, tracing his fingertips between the boys shoulder blades and feeling his muscles relax at the touch. jungkook hummed in content, obviously not wanting to play anymore since he wanted to end it on a good note, a winning one.

they wouldn't have been able to play anyways, because an obnoxious laugh ripped through the apartment, coming from the hall and following behind namjoon appearing in the living room. it was his friend, who apparently came buy to take back his sparkly jacket he left. "oh jk!" hoseok said, smile big and voice loud as always. "you look comfortable." he said with a teasing grin, "i'm wiggling my eyebrows by the way."

"i figured." the ravenette sat up and smiled at his hyung. "how're you?"

"i'm awesome." hoseok said, "it's friday night which means party at seonghwa's! that's why i needed my jacket."

jungkook was about to say something, probably along the lines of have fun or be safe, but the hoseok continued to talk. he tended to do that but no one really minded since his happiness was overly contagious and too sweet to get upset at. it also occurred to him that he recognized the second boy on the couch, "woah taehyung, i didn't know you were friends with namjoon." hoseok said.

"he's friends with jungkook mainly." namjoon corrected. he had walked to the door to put on his shoes, dressed for a party in skinny jeans and a tight t-shirt. some would say it was casual but paired with the boots and nice necklaces hanging around his neck, namjoon looked good.

taehyung got up from the couch to greet the male with a handshake, "it's good to see you."

"are you coming tonight?" hoseok asked, "last week was crazy and you certainly enjoyed yourself."

the boy just chuckled, sticking his hands in his pockets. "no not tonight, i already got plans." taehyung said.

"oh come on you never miss." hoseok made a sound with his tongue, one of disappointment that was followed with a shrug. "that's a shame dude."

no one noticed how jungkook just sat and listened. his fingers started to play with a loose thread on his cotton shorts, teeth biting down on the inside of his bottom lip. god he wanted to speak. "maybe next time." taehyung said, giving his friend one of the bro hugs before going back to the couch.

namjoon and hoseok said their goodbyes, leaving shortly and soon the apartment was quiet again. the ravenette was still tugging at the thread on his shorts, leaving a red indent around his finger as it tightened.

"you could've gone you know." jungkook ended up saying. he was still looking down at his lap, staring at nothing and trying to avoid that painfully obvious look directed at the side of his face. "i know you'd rather do that then sit inside for another night."

taehyungs eyebrows furrowed in confusion, "what are you going on about? i want to watch a movie with you." he said. his dark eyes were trained on the boy beside him, a little seed of annoyance sprouting at the slight moody attitude he was receiving. they were suppose to have a good night tonight.

"we can only watch so many movies hyung." jungkook said.

"and i'll watch them all with you," taehyung leaned forward to grab the remote, turning on the disc and not waiting another minute. "so stop talking nonsense and come here." it was a little forceful, but maybe it was needed to shut the younger up. jungkook certainly didn't feel like saying anything against that. normally he'd go to his room at this point, feeling bad for himself and listening to music until he fell asleep and wondering how long it would take for someone to get bored of him.

taehyung seemed different though, there wasn't a hesitation in his words and he spoke what he thought without considering what would follow. he was blunt and honest, and it made jungkook feel a little better.

he abandoned the thread on his shorts, scooting closer to taehyung who had his arm up and waiting already, putting it around jungkooks shoulders to tug his closer against his chest. most of the time jungkook just laid and listened, wondering which was more appealing — the words from the movie or the sound of taehyungs heartbeat.

taehyung took the boys hand in his, the pad of his thumb tracing the harsh indent the thread left from being wrapped tight around his index finger. "don't do that." his deep voice was a soft whisper, leaving a kiss to jungkooks finger.

he had nothing to say to that, no energy and no motivation to do anything beside snuggle closer to the older male and close his eyes. taehyung would him occasionally, sometimes comment on something in the movie and his laugh would send chills down jungkooks spine.

the younger had nearly fallen asleep near the end, nearly two hours later, but that was cut short when their previous friends had made an appearance again. except this time one was tired and the other was drunk.

"home already?" taehyung had said once the two made it through the front door of the apartment.

namjoon just rolled his eyes, an arm still trying to carry his friend through the door. hoseok just giggled and flipped off the brunette sitting on the couch, "not all of us are pros at taking shots." he said to taehyung.

namjoon managed to get off one of his friends shoes, but hoseok already made a beeline for the couch with one boot still remaining on. "everyone was asking for you bro." he frowned, practically squeezing himself between the snuggling duo.

jungkook just scooted over and blinked, trying to wake himself up. why was be only somewhat content when he was asleep. now he had to be awake and listen to more of people having more fun when they were out and away from him sitting inside all the time.

"they probably weren't." taehyung said, looking over at the younger. there was a mild look of concern on his face, once again wishing he had the ability to just read the boys mind instead of having to look at him stare into space with that damn frown.

he would have said something, pushed hoseok away maybe since his breath smelled and he was a clingy drunk, but taehyung watched jungkook get up before he could get any words out. the ravenette left to go into the kitchen, finding some juice and listening to namjoon say something about his blood sugar.

the ravenette didn't really care, his stomach kept turning and apple juice seemed like the best option right now. he just wanted to sleep, and he wanted to forget ever deciding to get attached to someone after what happened last time.



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