twenty eight.

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⠀⠀⥽♡ ˘͈ᵕ˘͈ [지민]↳ ꒰ 𝙝𝙮𝙪𝙣𝙜 ꒱⠀

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⥽♡ ˘͈ᵕ˘͈ [지민]
↳ ꒰ 𝙝𝙮𝙪𝙣𝙜 ꒱

the battle people sensory overload and not feeling anything at all was overwhelming. not being able to hear or understand anything around him but also feeling every nerve in his body stand on edge and every breath feel like it was too hard to take.

jungkook couldn't calm it. his breathing stayed ragged and his knees met the hard concrete outside the apartment building. the feeling of hollowness in his chest would go away and the ravenette could already feel the tears leaking down his cheeks. he just wanted this to end — it's been so long since he's freaked out this bad.

everything was muffled, no noises sound familiar to him, not even the distant traffic that was still out and about just after midnight and not the distant chatter of some people across the street. this was a fancier side of the city, less people were out now and no one noticed the distressed boy.

that is until the car stopped, and the male barely put it in park before jumping out. it took him seconds to come rushing after getting the call. hearing how upset and panicked the small boy was had his heart hurting and mind racing to figure out what in the hell jungkook had been doing to end up here.

jungkook heard the footsteps approaching, he felt the hands on his shoulders as the male crouched down and looked at him with all the worry in the world. "hey, it's me. i'm going to need you to calm down kook, take deep breaths please." he had said.

"j-jimin," jungkook choked out, barely able to get the word out between shaky breaths. the little tears kept coming, partly because he didn't believe the guy actually came. but it was him, it was his hands and his voice and everything was just as he remembered it.
"i c-cant." jungkook shut his eyes tight and the pain in his chest had him shaking his head and just wanting to lay down right there.

"come on please just try." jimin hated seeing the boy like this. it's not how he imagined it, after being so long this isn't the way it was suppose to happen.

but jungkook needed to relax, he needed to slow his breathing — to calm down. so jimin did the one thing he could think of.

he kissed him.

it only lasted a few seconds, but between the two of them it seemed to last longer than that. when jungkook felt those plump lips touch his, the world seemed to hold its breath, everything slowing down and just pausing to process what was actually going on. the feeling threw him back, too many months and memories ago that had the ravenette picturing pretty lips and crescent eyes looking at him with such adoration, all the way until his own gifted him with darkness.

jungkook had lost his sight, and then he lost his first love — and now he was here kneeling on the sidewalk in seoul kissing him while he cried.

jimin had pulled away first, his tongue swiping over his lip and tasting the lip gloss that stuck there. he still had his hands on the boy, they had moved from his shoulders down to his thighs and now his fingers rubbed gently through one of the tears in the jeans.

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